This could be Interesting =)


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
World Management would like to announce that the shows for Morbid Angel in South America ( Mexico, Chile and Columbia ) have been moved to September 4-11. Bass and Vocals will be handled by David Vincent. The guys looks forward to their shows in South America. Morbid Angel and World Management would also like to thank Steve Tucker for his contribution on several Morbid Angel records as well as multiple great tours. We all wish him well and are sure he will succeed in his new endeavors. Steve has sent some comments for the fans… see his post below:

"After many problems and much discussion with the people around me, the people I trust, I have decided it is necessary for me to step away from MORBID ANGEL. It has been a long trip with a lot of great shows and I have made many friends along the way. The MORBID ANGEL fans that not only accepted me, but reveled in my being a part of the band, have been the greatest thing about my time in MORBID ANGEL, they are the reason I came back to the band.

"There are many reasons for me leaving the band, personal reasons, musical reasons and very logical reasons. All of which will stay between me and the band. MORBID ANGEL existed many years before I came along and will for many more I am sure.

"I have enjoyed playing with some great musicians and touring with some great bands and meeting some incredible people all over the world. To all these people I say 'Thank You' and we will meet again.

"I am not done with the music business by any means, I will now be moving into other areas of the business, things I have always enjoyed, but didn't have time for. I will be moving into much more recording, production and management, so any bands interested in working with me, feel free to contact me at .

"Again, thank you to all of the fans for 8 years of making my hour and a half of stage time so brilliant!!!"