This DVD must be really good

midwintertears said:
Wheres the night and silent water?!

hehe we all wish...i think they have yet to play that song live because of how much mikael and peter dislike it.
Fuck assholes who sell bootlegs. Opeth doesn't get a dime from it, only he does. So please do not support this. Same goes for audios as well, plus if you buy an audio from ebay, it'll most likely be an mp3 sourced bootleg. Meaning he found it on the net, so can you. I thought ebay was against the selling of bootlegs?.

And I definitly don't rip my bootlegs and share them on kazaa or Direct Connect. Whats the point of me trading them if everyone already has them because they downloaded them?.

mmm can't wait till my San Diego 2001 VHS comes in the mail muhahah. :D sorry....
hahaha 91 bucks lol thats so gay..i got the inferno concert of soulseek tashnks to my good buddy chaveta and burnt it as a super video cd and watched it on my 65' big screen with my dvd player and it was so awesoem..the quality is so good and sound is aswell...infact you might couold even call it ..ORGAZMIC!!!! ......hahaha 91 bucks...
Well, it seems like I'm the only bloody fooled moron who would spend a gay amount of $91 on an Opeth DVD with a killer setlist in which I couldn't find on kazaa. I'd much rather own it than have to sit at my computer and watch it. The one who laughed at me spending my gay amount of money on it has a big screen as well as I do so it seems like it would be nice to watch this thing on a big, nice screen with a nice sound system to back it up. This is kind of funny that this ended up as a post. I almost feel bashed by my fellow Opeth fans. I actually thought I wasn't the only crazy son of a bitch to do that.
Bleak Eyes said:
Well, it seems like I'm the only bloody fooled moron who would spend a gay amount of $91 on an Opeth DVD with a killer setlist in which I couldn't find on kazaa. I'd much rather own it than have to sit at my computer and watch it. The one who laughed at me spending my gay amount of money on it has a big screen as well as I do so it seems like it would be nice to watch this thing on a big, nice screen with a nice sound system to back it up. This is kind of funny that this ended up as a post. I almost feel bashed by my fellow Opeth fans. I actually thought I wasn't the only crazy son of a bitch to do that.

I didn't bash you man hehe, but you shouldn't support it anyways. Ah well, its all over now, how is it btw?, quality/sound?

And would you trade for it? (in vcd format, not dvd). I can send you my list...