this forum is ill


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
can't stand what i read about here these days. it's just all so sick. :wave: forum, see a doc, i hope you get well soon.
hmmmm... nothing has changed... why should the forum... why when all seems to be the same... nothing but the same is insane :Smug:

so whats the diagosis VC?

Not that I have any say in all of this since my verbiage is insignificant when compared to all of you squatters here, but it does seem that many of the topics here are derivative trivial dribble that does nothing more than to stimulate the banal and least fuctioning areas of our cortex. Then again, what is my opinion worth? I am just a conservative who voted for Bush. Cheers :)
There used to be a time when people spoke of important (personal) matters and weren't labeled as e-whiners in mere seconds.

I don't like this shadow of cynicism or wittines(?)that's lurking around, or maybe it's just me.
Mariner said:
if any of you whiners want to put on a serious thread, we aint preventing you from it
I'm confused. Surely you don't mean that this place here is divided into whiners and non-whiners, 'us' and 'them' :err: I just mean this underlying spirit that nothing is to be taken seriously 'cause it's only internet, but like I said it might be just my view on some things here. I'm fed up with lots of things lately anyways.
Crack Hitler said:
I'm confused. Surely you don't mean that this place here is divided into whiners and non-whiners, 'us' and 'them' :err: I just mean this underlying spirit that nothing is to be taken seriously 'cause it's only internet, but like I said it might be just my view on some things here. I'm fed up with lots of things lately anyways.
no no :tickled: i meant the people whining cause they want to talk about serious matters. it wasnt an insult or anything.
ok, cool :cool: I didn't mean I'd only want to talk bout serious stuff or anything. Just that if I now started a topic like 'recommendations for lonely winter nights' like I did a year ago, I doubt it'd last that long without some witty comment about e-whining or whatever.
Well I for one, whine. It's sometimes accompanied with running around the house jumping up and down and sobbing and wailing, but more often it takes the form of playing with myself and hiding under the covers accompanied by a perpetual drizzle of crying.

Oh, and posting other people's literature, which is really shit of me. Ben told me himself he really didn't want me to but I do it anyways. It's one of the many things he hates me for. And since i've made him hate me, i hate myself because he hates me.
Which makes me really close to suicidal that I'm such a jerk.
Crack Hitler said:
Just that if I now started a topic like 'recommendations for lonely winter nights' like I did a year ago, I doubt it'd last that long without some witty comment about e-whining or whatever.

does it matter tho? or does it even e-matter?