This forum is so much better....


May 31, 2005
I like this forum bar better than the Iron Maiden official forum on their webpage. It's full of Euros going on and on about great Virtual X1 and X Factor were. Many seem to think they are Maiden's finest efforts, better than Killers, NOB, and Peace of Mind. Europeans have weird tastes, I guess, in music. If they feel X Factor and X1 were the greatest Maiden albums, that explains why David Hasselhoff has sold so many CD's across the pond! :ill:
The official board isn't that bad in certain pockets. If you go to the main chat area, of course you're going to get the same boring and ridiculous discussions. Other areas are more mature and thought-provoking. I hang out the taper section and though most of what we talk about is live music related, we digress a bit to keep it fun.
The IMBB was getting too full of "Top 10 .....", "Who's better.....", "If you could.....", and so on. Then there is the bashing that goes on. You almost couldn't have an opinion for awhile there. This board seems more mellow.:D
Alice In Maidenland said:
This board seems more mellow.:D

I would say that would make sense considering there are a few hundred users on this forum as opposed to many many thousands of users on that forum :headbang:

In all honesty I enjoy seeing the Iron Maidens live more than the real Maiden simply because of the awesome set lists and I like looking at Miss Harris :)
Somehow, I doubt they're saying the Blaze albums are the best ever. They're probably just refuting the frustratingly popular argument that Maiden sucks if Bruce isn't with them. But now that you mention it, it does seem that Steve's lyrics had matured greatly by then. His writing on Virtual XI was much deeper than on Killers and NOB. But whatever, it's still Maiden. I don't think they've ever done a bad album (though NPFD came pretty damn close).
Rattlesnake said:
Somehow, I doubt they're saying the Blaze albums are the best ever. They're probably just refuting the frustratingly popular argument that Maiden sucks if Bruce isn't with them. But now that you mention it, it does seem that Steve's lyrics had matured greatly by then. His writing on Virtual XI was much deeper than on Killers and NOB. But whatever, it's still Maiden. I don't think they've ever done a bad album (though NPFD came pretty damn close).

Yeah this clip shows just how "deep" the song writing on Virtual XI is

Actually, that clip doesn't show jack shit. If you read my post more closely, you'll see that I was writing about STEVE'S LYRICS, not Dave and Janick's guitar licks. So I'm having a hard time following your logic.

But yeah, I'll agree that that song was a particularly weak offering.
Virtual X1 is deep the way a turd is deep at the bottom of an outhouse, lol.
"Futureal" sounds like the background music of some lame Japanamation and The Angel and the Gambler is a popular choice for worst Maiden song ever, right up there with Quest for Fire. Steve and the boys were half-assing it when they wrote and recorded that album, and that's a shame. Iron Maiden was great with Paul, so don't put words in my mouth with your "Iron Maiden w/o Bruce sucks" misassessment.
kellver said:
Virtual X1 is deep the way a turd is deep at the bottom of an outhouse, lol.

Well, that's still pretty deep depending on far you dig the hole.

kellver said:
"Futureal" sounds like the background music of some lame Japanamation and The Angel and the Gambler is a popular choice for worst Maiden song ever, right up there with Quest for Fire. Steve and the boys were half-assing it when they wrote and recorded that album, and that's a shame.

There must be an alternate version of Virtual XI where "Educated Fool" and "The Clansman" were left out.
There is not a bad song on the piece of mind CD at all.

"To Tame A Land" and "Where Eagles Dare" and "Flight of Icarus" are my favorite songs on there, but the other songs on there are all excellent.

Listen to "Quest for Fire" a few times over, and give it another chance, and you'll find out that it is a very good song.

The guitar solo and the chorus of the song are very good.
About the Blaze stuff:

The X Factor CD is very good. Go back and re-listen to it again a few times over. You'll find out that it is a very good CD. Not their best, but certainly not their worst.

Virtural XI CD is not bad either. Not as great as The X Factor CD was, but not bad. There are some very good songs on there, and there are a few mediocre songs on there too. Not their best CD by a long shot, but definitely not their worst either.
Yeah, I really liked the instrumental break in "Quest for Fire". I thought it had some of Nicko's best percussion work. It's hard to explain why. I just like the way it sounded.

After all this time defending the Blaze albums, even I have to admit "The X Factor" was a little dark for my tastes, but I still enjoyed it. Take a good listen to "Judgement of Heaven" and "The Edge of Darkness". Are those really such horrible songs? The only thing I hated about that album was the cover. Leave poor Eddie alone! He was better off as a cyborg bounty hunter.
I think it was Skid Row that sung "Rattlesnake Shake". I don't know of any Crue song with that word in the title. Actually, the Rattlesnake comes from John Carpenter's "Snake Plissken" character.