This Godless Endeavor live

You know... Speaking of This Godless Endeavor.. I listen to this song quit a lot lately, for many reasons. At my Design class, 3 weeks ago, my teacher told us to choose a song we like and t express it with collage (from papers/magazines) only. Surly I picked this song... today I got an A for it :)
I had to stand in class and read the lyrics while presenting my work, quit
the experience to see everyone's reaction to the lyrics. My teacher, (a really cool teacher) loved it.
so yeah.. .i'll upload the collage when i'll get it back (its going to be on the school's wall!) nothing too spectacualr, but still cool :)
EricT said:
I have that DVD, its the one with pancake nipples on it, that i ripped so shittly.

mister, i need that dvd so fucking bad. do you know where to find it?
So what if the audio sucked, the clip was still hilarious to watch though, looked like a good time and Warrel was definitley having alot of fun with the fans on stage, not many bands would do that, except Iron Maiden, who lets some up on stage for the "woah oh woah" part on Heaven Can Wait back in the mid to late 80's.
Great video..I was there!! they played an awesome's a shame steve smyth couldn't play but Chris Broderick did a good job.
NarcoReality said:
So what if the audio sucked, the clip was still hilarious to watch though, looked like a good time and Warrel was definitley having alot of fun with the fans on stage, not many bands would do that, except Iron Maiden, who lets some up on stage for the "woah oh woah" part on Heaven Can Wait back in the mid to late 80's.

my point was that its not worth buying the DVD if you just wanted Nevermore live footage.
Dead_Lioness said:
You know... Speaking of This Godless Endeavor.. I listen to this song quit a lot lately, for many reasons. At my Design class, 3 weeks ago, my teacher told us to choose a song we like and t express it with collage (from papers/magazines) only. Surly I picked this song... today I got an A for it :)
I had to stand in class and read the lyrics while presenting my work, quit
the experience to see everyone's reaction to the lyrics. My teacher, (a really cool teacher) loved it.
so yeah.. .i'll upload the collage when i'll get it back (its going to be on the school's wall!) nothing too spectacualr, but still cool :)
oh and congrats on the A for your project, can't wait to see it:)