This guy rules

So a program aired at 1 a.m., which almost nobody watches anyway, is gonna get shit-canned because of "anti-muslim rhetoric?"

Some international terror network must be funding the pointless pinheads in CAIR, because it sure ain't their members: they only got 1,000 card-carrying dues-paying newsletter receivers.

Their fortunes have sunk so low as to have a fuckin parade over writing a letter of complaint that canned a program with a total combined market-share of 12 viewers.

There were 25,000 members only six years ago, but THEIR whiney anti-american rhetoric caused 96% of their membership to drop away!

Imagine any other organisation losing 96% and still getting equal air time on the evening news!

That's because some unnamed individuals give them MILLIONS every year to stay afloat and use whatever ill-gotten capital they have with the traitors in the media to promote anti-american rhetoric.

Its all rather sick and twisted...
