this is directed at mia


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
I was looking at my steroid-pimpled chest yesterday after taking a shower and started poking at a painful didn't look big but it kind of ached in that I AM SWOLLEN kind of way. Like, it was ripe for the picking. so I gave it a gentle squeeze and I swear at least a fucking thimbleful of pus burst out of that little fucker! I couldn't believe I had that much goo under my skin, I made ann look just to get verification that it actually existed.

yay prednisone, yay white blood cells!

Then the pus started mixing with the blood that started trickling out and it made neat designs on me. Then I washed & disinfected. The end.
I had one of those on my back. it was swollen and hurt like shit. I gave it the old squeeze, and the infected goop and white blood cells literally flew...lets see, I was sitting on the toilet lid and this crap flew three and a half or four freaking feet up against the bathroom mirror! then a mixture of blood and fluid flowed down my back. Aaargh! Erica, I cried out, and the wife ran upstairs to marvel, and to console my distraught psyche.

and in further lizardian medical news, my wife's biopsy was reported benign yesterday. hooray, she gets to keep all her parts!
hi josh!

that is very impressive, but!

what you SHOULD have done is, press that shit against a piece of white paper, or maybe even a sheet of styrofoam board!

then you would present this amazing imprint of your bloodied/pus-ified chest to little children and ask them what images they see (just like a rorschach test!) and then take notes on it. i'm sure the result would be something pretty apocalyptic. :)
well, if butthole painting can pass as art, then certainly bloody-shower-chest-puss rorschach tests are valid too!




i.... uh..... that can't be healthy.