This is getting REAL boring


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
okay, okay I think we have have a very continuing topic here.....We hate the middle east..... I hate to bust everyones bubble but damn do we need 2 threads saying the same shit? This is getting a little redundant don't ya think? How about talking a little more about other crappy things in the world like how over 1,000,000 people are going to die in Sudan this year alone. How about those commies having that Axis of Justice concert recently? How about a little more on Ozzfest? What's your favorite beer? How about some of the fun things you have done this summer? What has been the best cd released this year? Or how shitty it is to be at our crappy jobs everyday? Or how Metallica is the gayest band ever. Or how sunburns really suck a whole lot of dick(I have the worst sunburn ever at the moment). I mean seriously there's a shitload of stuff that we can bitch about and different ways that we can do it....
I'm not trying to get up in peoples shit or trying to sound like a little pussy but it's just that there is a lot of other different shit going on that we can be equally pissed off about :D Like my fucking tuition bill I just got today :yell: Damn, education is one expensive motherfucker! :OMG: That bill just makes me want to drown my sorrows in some old style :Smug:
Its cool myhaterd. I agree, we need variety. There is plenty to hate on in this world. We gotta get more creative. Like how I'll probably never afford a house on Long Island and will probably rent for as long as I wanna live here.Even in the shitty neighborhoods the houses go for like 300,000.I'm fucked. Anyone have the same situation? later brothers
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
okay, okay I think we have have a very continuing topic here.....We hate the middle east..... I hate to bust everyones bubble but damn do we need 2 threads saying the same shit? This is getting a little redundant don't ya think? How about talking a little more about other crappy things in the world like how over 1,000,000 people are going to die in Sudan this year alone. How about those commies having that Axis of Justice concert recently? How about a little more on Ozzfest? What's your favorite beer? How about some of the fun things you have done this summer? What has been the best cd released this year? Or how shitty it is to be at our crappy jobs everyday? Or how Metallica is the gayest band ever. Or how sunburns really suck a whole lot of dick(I have the worst sunburn ever at the moment). I mean seriously there's a shitload of stuff that we can bitch about and different ways that we can do it....

I totally hear what your saying dude. But look at the board...................
al the newer topics all have like 2 replies......................
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
MHFYRD, Bobo, Old School

You seem like good hard working, hard metal listening, hard body women loving Americans....And are definetly cool as hell!!
And I'm sure there's more cool people out there (13th Candle comes to mind) but how come all we seem to get is people like this faggot szandor and his un patriotic pals.

If you can't tell from my previous posts I have somewhat of an anger problem (not really a problem since I enjoy it so much) But that's one of the reasons that when some of these dirtbags post such idiotic, retarded bullshit I react with anger and if I could get to them probably violence, fortunatley I can't.

Anyway I agree with you this is getting really boring and simple
so I'm going to try (keyword: TRY) not to let these clowns drag me into
some retarded argument that they're obviously wrong about
and lets face it....when talking about this great country all these foreign
anti-American losers are dead wrong and in some cases would just be dead if it wasn't for the U.S.A.

Anyway it should be interesting..
Hey Billy, what do you think of John Monte playing for that junkie Al Jourgeson. Ministry had like one good album but after that they just sucked! Filth Pig was a pile of shit
I like Red Stripe in cans....... :kickass: .
Work sucks i'm doing 6am till 10pm everyday just so I can get enough cash to take the kids on fuck the middle east ,THAT SUCKS.

Englands most victomised SINGLE, WHITE, MALE, EMPLOYED ,25 -35 :yell: :yell: .
Thats me..................
"Like how I'll probably never afford a house on Long Island and will probably rent for as long as I wanna live here.Even in the shitty neighborhoods the houses go for like 300,000.I'm fucked. Anyone have the same situation?"

You're preaching to the choir here dude. I live on the Island myself and I am shocked and disgusted at how much a house costs here. I am sick of my current living situation -- i rent a room in a house with a bunch of other ppl. Not only are the ppl i live with a bunch of assholes, but i am the only woman in the house as well. I only moved in here because i needed to get the hell away from my dysfunctional family, but i have days where i actually miss them.

I am going to try and buy a foreclosed house next year. I'm just killing time, saving my money, and getting my credit cleaned up. We'll see what happens i guess.
hey man i agree. by the way i'm good at bitchin about shit too. i hate living paycheck to paycheck and feeling trapped in a job that hate with every part of my being. currently looking for a new job but the shithole town that i live is has like 40% unemployment. want to relocat to a better city but have not money to do so... :yell:
Yeah, my living situation sucks too. My landlord(or slumlord, however you want to look at it) is the biggest asshole ever, he has been evicting pretty much my whole building. I am trying to get the hell out of there and find a new place but when you are renting and paying your regular bills it is pretty much impossible to get ahead of the game and save money for a new place. I live in Lansing, Michigan and the prices are probably nowhere near prices in New York but when when you are just scraping by to begin with it is pretty much the same thing. WHY aren't wages increasing with the cost of living like they should because all the places I have been looking at the mgmt to the apartment buildings say you have to make 3 times what the rent would be for a year just to live there. No wonder why there are so many homeless people!
Oh yeah, has anyone ever had the beer Kalik? It is from the Bahamas but it is the best shit I have ever drank in my life. I can't get it in Michigan but when I have enough pennies saved(this upcoming February hopefully) me and my girlfriend are making a trip down there to spend a week drinking and putting our toes in the sand. I gotta get out and go on vacation every couple of years because life in Michigan can be pretty damn dismal, especially in the winter!!!
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah, has anyone ever had the beer Kalik? It is from the Bahamas but it is the best shit I have ever drank in my life. I can't get it in Michigan but when I have enough pennies saved(this upcoming February hopefully) me and my girlfriend are making a trip down there to spend a week drinking and putting our toes in the sand. I gotta get out and go on vacation every couple of years because life in Michigan can be pretty damn dismal, especially in the winter!!!

I thought it was winter in michigan all year long :lol:
Yeah, that isn't too far from the truth! I went to bed last night and my apartment was still sweltering from the 90* day we had and when I woke up this morning it was a fucking freezing 51* man if it wasn't for my cushy government job then I would be out of this godforsaken state. Although, Michigan does have 4 seasons........Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction...This place blows :erk:
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Yeah, that isn't too far from the truth! I went to bed last night and my apartment was still sweltering from the 90* day we had and when I woke up this morning it was a fucking freezing 51* man if it wasn't for my cushy government job then I would be out of this godforsaken state. Although, Michigan does have 4 seasons........Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction...This place blows :erk:

Is it a dry heat when you say 90? cause here in virginia, it could be 90 with like 70% humidity which makes it feel like its more like 100-105. and the nights are just sticky, the air gets so thick you can hardly breath
although dry heat is better, it still really sux when its 90 degrees at 7:30 in the morning like it was here again today. I guess i can't expect too much living in the middle of a damn desert but damn i can't wait for some cooler weather.
GWOODS said:
although dry heat is better, it still really sux when its 90 degrees at 7:30 in the morning like it was here again today. I guess i can't expect too much living in the middle of a damn desert but damn i can't wait for some cooler weather.
good point..........................