This is happening too much.

What a fucking asshole!

agreed X 1000.
while they're finishing him off, they need to get the woman that was with him, as well. did you see the vid where she tried to get in the car with him, but it looks like he pulled off and left her?
she needs a vicious beating just for being with him and essentially condoning his behavior.
what the hell is wrong with people ?

oh if youre in the knoxville TN area theres some big black rally tonight in honor of a gruesome murder that happened against a young white man and his girlfriend.

Heard about it on the radio up here in Baltimore.

just sickening,,,this "group" condones poor black people commiting crimes againt "priviledged white folk" :Smug: :rolleyes:

where's jurch's .02 when ya need it.
what the hell is wrong with people ?

oh if youre in the knoxville TN area theres some big black rally tonight in honor of a gruesome murder that happened against a young white man and his girlfriend.

Heard about it on the radio up here in Baltimore.

just sickening,,,this "group" condones poor black people commiting crimes againt "priviledged white folk" :Smug: :rolleyes:

where's jurch's .02 when ya need it.

yeah. where is Jurched??'d really just need to prove it was him in the video...then beat him to death...same with the chick...after allowing an entire Vets hospital to rape her.
what the hell is wrong with people ?

oh if youre in the knoxville TN area theres some big black rally tonight in honor of a gruesome murder that happened against a young white man and his girlfriend.

Heard about it on the radio up here in Baltimore.

just sickening,,,this "group" condones poor black people commiting crimes againt "priviledged white folk" :Smug: :rolleyes:

where's jurch's .02 when ya need it.

you walk into the lions might get scratched
what the hell is wrong with people ?

oh if youre in the knoxville TN area theres some big black rally tonight in honor of a gruesome murder that happened against a young white man and his girlfriend.

Heard about it on the radio up here in Baltimore.

just sickening,,,this "group" condones poor black people commiting crimes againt "priviledged white folk" :Smug: :rolleyes:

where's jurch's .02 when ya need it.

Saving it! ...I need every fuckin cent to pay Reid's free Mexican Hay ride!!

That video's repulsive. But then, it ties in perfectly with this black rally bullshit AND the illegal invader amnesty bill in the Senate. Its all about


I told you muthafuckas before!

The no-account oligarchs in BOTH parties are crawling on their knees to secure another class of dirt-poor voters!

And crimes committed against people with a few dollars by those who inject welfare checks into their veins is merely


Fuck yeah!

The 91 year old bastard had it coming for being so rich as to afford a 2005 chevy when his 30 year old attacker clearly spent all his money on gold chains and malt liquor.

The rich old my pals got his beatin, and the rich white couple got smoked because they


and their killers


Fuck yeah!

Classic class-warfare bullshit! It was thought to be almost impossible these days, since America is basically middle-class.

I mean, even the poorest homeys in the hood are fuckin Bill Gates compared to the degrading garbage dump scavengers in Mexico City.

But now, some greying, fat, burned out hippies are resurrecting the class-warfare bullshit of the 1930s and 1960s....


That's right, son. We're all gonna pay like muthafuckas until Jose and Manuel and their thirty imported cousins are as rich as we are...

Or rather, until we are as poverty-stricken as they!

That poor old man in the video got it lightly. At least his beating lasted only a few seconds and he'll be dead in a few years.

We will be PAYING like crazy and suffering for decades thanks to the fuckin collectivizing pieces of shit that run our government.

Where's Jurched's .02?

I'll tell you:


Saving it! ...I need every fuckin cent to pay Reid's free Mexican Hay ride!!

That video's repulsive. But then, it ties in perfectly with this black rally bullshit AND the illegal invader amnesty bill in the Senate. Its all about


I told you muthafuckas before!

The no-account oligarchs in BOTH parties are crawling on their knees to secure another class of dirt-poor voters!

And crimes committed against people with a few dollars by those who inject welfare checks into their veins is merely


Fuck yeah!

The 91 year old bastard had it coming for being so rich as to afford a 2005 chevy when his 30 year old attacker clearly spent all his money on gold chains and malt liquor.

The rich old my pals got his beatin, and the rich white couple got smoked because they


and their killers


Fuck yeah!

Classic class-warfare bullshit! It was thought to be almost impossible these days, since America is basically middle-class.

I mean, even the poorest homeys in the hood are fuckin Bill Gates compared to the degrading garbage dump scavengers in Mexico City.

But now, some greying, fat, burned out hippies are resurrecting the class-warfare bullshit of the 1930s and 1960s....


That's right, son. We're all gonna pay like muthafuckas until Jose and Manuel and their thirty imported cousins are as rich as we are...

Or rather, until we are as poverty-stricken as they!

That poor old man in the video got it lightly. At least his beating lasted only a few seconds and he'll be dead in a few years.

We will be PAYING like crazy and suffering for decades thanks to the fuckin collectivizing pieces of shit that run our government.

Where's Jurched's .02?

I'll tell you:



That really is the most disgusting video. Those monkeys just stand there like they're watching an episode of Cops. And that skinny black bitch wants to go for a joy ride...what a bunch of heinous fucks.
That really is the most disgusting video. Those monkeys just stand there like they're watching an episode of Cops. And that skinny black bitch wants to go for a joy ride...what a bunch of heinous fucks.

do you remember seeing the vid of the guy beating and pushing the 101 yr. old lady with a walker and robbing her of $33 a couple of months ago? they caught that guy [thankfully] and i read that they were trying to charge him with a hate crime. how much do you want to bet they wont be able to get it? the belief is, minorities are incapable of committing 'hate crimes,' because, as we know, minorities dont hate. they're too full of love and goodness. :Smug:
do you remember seeing the vid of the guy beating and pushing the 101 yr. old lady with a walker and robbing her of $33 a couple of months ago? they caught that guy [thankfully] and i read that they were trying to charge him with a hate crime. how much do you want to bet they wont be able to get it? the belief is, minorities are incapable of committing 'hate crimes,' because, as we know, minorities dont hate. they're too full of love and goodness. :Smug:

Here's a likely retort to your observation, Sue:

Yih! Tha's right! It ain't no crime, south'n white girl!

Only crimes were those committed by DA MAN against the brothas fo' Four hundred years!

Specially them old white folk.

Great great gramma's probably an Alabama belle who had lotsa darkie servants.

Ol bitch was probably first in line to watch "Birth of a Nation" when that shit came out in 1915.

As you can see, no hate crime was committed. In fact, I foresee acquittal based on the argument of "historical justice." :dopey:

Here's a likely retort to your observation, Sue:

Yih! Tha's right! It ain't no crime, south'n white girl!

Only crimes were those committed by DA MAN against the brothas fo' Four hundred years!

Specially them old white folk.

Great great gramma's probably an Alabama belle who had lotsa darkie servants.

Ol bitch was probably first in line to watch "Birth of a Nation" when that shit came out in 1915.

As you can see, no hate crime was committed. In fact, I foresee acquittal based on the argument of "historical justice." :dopey:


black rage. heh... it's a wonderful little defense plea.
i stopped another bulletin board bitching about this shit today with this as my response about the high murder rate in baltimore city.

why dont you get the people in city to actually TALK about the problem at the most basic common level, the crazy amount of black on black crime.

black on black , being black predators and then black victims, that is what the overwhelming amount of the crime is in this city, since the black population is the predominant part of the community here in baltimore.

but when your city council and other public figures both here and nationwide that say they are the voice of the black community, just sit like the three monkeys ( see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) then nothing will ever be done about it. Which very well could be what the self servicing politicians are actually LOOKING to accomplish but just playing it otherwise.

then the cops get railroaded because oh gasp someone died by police gunshot, or taser, or what ever the case may be... Guess what you dont listen to john q law and you continue to threaten other citizens or a cop themselves you will get tasered or shot ... that simple.