minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Jan 27, 2005 #1 http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/01/27/mouthwash.dui.ap/index.html
The Dope Hi. Sep 19, 2002 2,625 0 36 40 Virginia Visit site Jan 27, 2005 #2 Seriously, drinking Listerine is pretty intense!
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Jan 27, 2005 #3 at least you'd be fighting gingivitis.
gekko Much less calm than you Sep 14, 2004 352 0 16 Jan 27, 2005 #4 Aren't you supposed to consult poison control if you actually ingest that stuff?
Nut Butter QTÎ Nov 27, 2003 986 0 16 Chocolateland Jan 27, 2005 #5 So says THE MAN! ...I actually had a couple of swigs of Listerine with some bums once, sitting aroung a fire in a clearing next to a river. Good times.
So says THE MAN! ...I actually had a couple of swigs of Listerine with some bums once, sitting aroung a fire in a clearing next to a river. Good times.
mousewings Member Nov 21, 2001 3,626 84 48 Jan 27, 2005 #6 I once drank mouthwash to try and get high off it. Didn't get much down as it burns and is too strong. This was 6 years ago btw. I was an odd kid.
I once drank mouthwash to try and get high off it. Didn't get much down as it burns and is too strong. This was 6 years ago btw. I was an odd kid.