This is my bands first song.


Apr 18, 2010
Alright so I finally joined a band and I'm just looking to get this sounding a little better.

I posted this song in here before but I just want to get a little more feedback before we throw vocals on. ;)
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I have to agree with searanox on everything. I would just add that the guitars sometimes see to be somewhat undergained as well. Since you have a nice bass tone you could make a killer sound "wall" if your gitars were fuller in the midrange.

Thanks guys. I'll try out your ideas. :)

Also I have my drums sent to two seperate buses. One is the raw track and the other is compressed. Should I just bring the compressed drums up more? Compress both? Only use one drum bus?
Dude... AWESOME song. Only listening on my crappy laptop speakers but shit jams. Any chance that we can get the raws for some mix practice?! Would LOVE to mix this :kickass:
I'll think about it once the vocals are recorded. Not sure when that'll be but hey I don't see why not. Drums and Bass are midi though just so everyone knows ahead of time but I have DIs for everything else.
There is a definite improvement in terms of warmth in that new one. I still think the snare is too beefy for this kind of music and needs more snap, and unfortunately boosting the guitars cut into the bass a little bit, but honestly I'll go with nicer guitars when so much depends on them.

The lead is a little harsh - sounds like you boosted excessively on the 1-5 area to get it to cut through, but that doesn't mesh so well with the otherwise warm feeling to everything. Consider boosting the gain on that track a bit and taking out some of the harshness. I also think a different reverb or delay would work better - it sounds very cold and distant. Again, if that's what you want, no problem, but I've heard enough -core stuff that I think I have an idea of what you're going for.

Otherwise it's sounding very good. Just keep tweaking the sweet spot for the guitar and bass balance, and maybe fix up the lead and snare sound, and I think you could definitely ship this off to be mastered. That said - if you're adding vocals then you may need to cut more or even automate an EQ on the guitars, depending on style. If you're going to have a lot of low-pitch grunts or midrangey screams you will need to make room in the 500-800 hz area for them.
The track sounds pretty sick... seems pretty solid to me but then again im not listening through my moniters. I would make the lead guitar a bit wetter and I'm not sure how vocals will sit on-top of the mix but so far it's much better than any of my work.