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Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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OK - enough!!!

There is too much finger pointing going on here. People leaving the forum because of anti-American talk - Americans pointing fingers at other countries.

This is an Opeth forum, and we have mostly agreed that with our "intelligence", we discuss other deep subjects in a rational manner. But this terrorist incident has brought out the worst in a lot of us.

Look - the world we live in is complex, and death happens all over the world. And until we can just look at this incident as a horrible thing, we will continue to anger ourselves and make remarks we will later regret. I'm not asking people to stop thinking - but why must we be this way here? I know much of the world hates Americans, and Americans think we are better than everyone else. If we can't be civil, and agree we'd all love to see world peace (pure utopia), then I guess us Opethians are no better than anybody else.
I'm with you all the way, Metalmancpa, in fact I even posted a similar statement on a different thread, (see Bush-bashing = FUN). I did not come to this forum to hear how incredibly rotten our leader is, or to hear how hated I am merely because I am American, or to hear how cool it is to watch people get killed.

I came here so that I wouldn't have to hear all that. I came here to talk about Opeth and deeper subjects. Like i said before, ideas instead of people and events. I certainly hope something changes here. I have no problem with any of you or yor countries. I know none of us organized the crashes or were part of it, so we shouldn't be implicitly blaming each other.

Who else agrees?
Generally, if you want to stop the fight, you apply diplomatic measures right away. You don't bite back first and then say "ok let's stop now". It simply doesn't work that way. Neither of you refrained from joining in the argument in favor of trying to stop it.

I don't mind fights, arguments and debates. On the contrary, I thrive in them. So many new things come to attention, new angles and ideas. Every now and then I'll read something neat that makes me stop for a while and explore a new aspect.

You have a good point though in your post, metalmancpa. Why must it be this way? I believe it's unavoidable and here's why: Something like this attack makes people angry. Very angry. So angry, in fact, that most people just can't contain it until whoever is guilty is found, and have to vent it.

Since the guilty party is unknown, this causes speculation and misdirected anger - people resort to racial slurrs, violence, senseless berating and verbal attacks. This in turn, when not understood by the victims of the misdirected anger, causes more anger on the victims' part.

Of these reactions, the verbal assaults in places like this are the easiest to remedy, and if an outlet for anger is provided here, then other methods of venting are less likely to manifest themselves.

I don't mind people being mad with me, and I do fancy provoking people (and hopefully provoking thoughts ;D), so all in all if I can get people to be a little angry with me on here It's a good thing.
Well you are right Protocol. I didn't mean to defend Bush as much as it looked like I did; personally I am not really sure what I think of him. I was trying to say that we shouldn't be tearing him down so much. I tried to say that there are good things and bad things about him, just as every political leader, and every person, and because of this, the subject should be dropped. We should not be reduced to tearing people down for fun.

I think the biggest point I try to make (although I too get caught up in all of this) is that this whole thing brings to light the real weakness in this world. You like confrontation - it would be a wonderful thing if it didn't even exist. I know that's impossible, but I just hate human nature for it's ability to do things like what happened yesterday. If no evil existed in the world, all of this would be a mute point.
Feeling a bit better now tyrant? =)

The problem with bush is he makes people angry. And since most people aren't in a position to be angry at him directly and often feel that indirect anger doesn't matter anyway, people are prone to making fun of him to compensate.

Due to the nature of his position, there will always be some people who react like this, regardless of whether he's doing all the right or wrong things. In bush's case, these people are more numerous than in many other cases.

And yes, I'm one of them. Lucky I know how to make the best of it. ;D
I hear that, metalmancpa.

Still, if no evil existed in the world, we wouldn't know what good was. Then again, I wouldn't be here to worry about it if no evil existed. Tricky situation. >P
I'll take what you said in a good way Protocol, and assume you weren't patronizing can be taken either way. (I can't stand words...pathetic way to transmit thought, so easy to misconstrue anything someone says.) Anyway, you're right, Bush does seem to bring people to extremes, but I think since I have said it many times before, I will take the initiative and stop talking about him, since it is a very tired subject. The arguments concerning Bush are like the Southern Protestants that tend to beat on bibles and tell everyone they are going to Hell, as a means of converting them. It never brings either side to an understanding, it only causes frustration.

Anyway; I see your point Protocol, and I do agree. It's too bad so many people can't think so rationally. I'm disgusted by most people these days...and still I have such extreme sympathy...sometimes I wonder how well I actually understand myself.
Oh come on.... This forum has turned into bullshit a while ago.... We might as well resort to finger pointing and other branches of the above-mentioned metamorphosis.
Sorry, if I break your talk, but I just wanna say, that I'm proud of you all and this forum, and me that find this forum and these interesting ppl ! Noone is soul-calmed about the events in USA, all of you have your own opinion, you write, prove, argue, I live in the student hostel and I didn't find any serious thoughts about what's happened! All those assholes, that consider themselves "normal students" just jokin' about this tragedy, noone wants to set free his/her brain and shut [the fuck up] his/her mouth to THINK . And they all consider metallists dirty, stupid, ever laughing(like Beavis & Butt-head) ugly creatures that cannot think about anything but a bottle of beer. This is what I wanted to say.

I'm so fucking tired of all the belly aching on this board. If you don't like something that's being said, than don't fucking engage in the conversation. If you don't want to talk about anything of consequence, then start a poll of you favorite opeth album. No one is holding a fucking gun to your head to read any of these posts. If you're not willing to argue where you stand on a topic, then you probably don't have anything constructive to add to it anyway. I'd much rather have an intelligent (even if its quite heated) discussion with someone who opposes my view point completely than to have a discussion with someone whose opinion is let's not argue about it.

If you support Bush then great, lets talk about why you do and why I don't. But don't hit me with everyone should leave the guy alone because none of us is qualified to be president.
Originally posted by dune_666
If you're not willing to argue where you stand on a topic, then you probably don't have anything constructive to add to it anyway

Fuck you! You wrote nothing above, so I didn't break YOUR conversation. You may be wanted just to show your cleverness, but wrote shit. Start atopic about opeth by yourself, asshole!:lol:
This was not intended at you. If anything, what you said reaffirms my point of view, about having constructive conversations about the topic at hand and not avoiding it. I was addressing those who apparently don't want to partake in topics that for whatever reason don't interest them.