This is quite brilliant...

i'm skeptical. mainly because i see the press article is dated april 1st and bozarth has turned me into a hopeless paranoid.
yeah. after a thorough investigation it's fake. praise my batman deductive abilities... and this link:

The requested URL was not found on this server. There are so many reasons that this might have happened we can scarcely bring ourselves to type them all out. You might have typed the URL incorrectly, for instance. Or (less likely but certainly plausible) we might have coded the URL incorrectly. Or (far less plausible, but theoretically possible, depending on which ill-defined Grand Unifying Theory of physics one subscribes to), some random fluctuation in the space-time continuum might have produced a shatteringly brief but nonetheless real electromagnetic discombobulation which caused this error page to appear. Or (and truth be told, this is by far the most likely scenario) you might have reached a page that we meant to create but didn't get around to it, since this year's April Fool's joke got hacked together at the last minute, more or less the same way this one did. And this one. And this one, and this one, and this one...
also. fuck april fool's. goddammit, must everyone have some sort of "i'm a big funny fuck" personality I mean give me just a little fucking break.
i hate april fools, my sister called me and told me my dad was having a heart attack and i almost left work to take him to the hospital..knowing that my dad has bad heart problems i fell for it.

fuck this god damn holiday.
Not a holiday -- helliday. Today is the one day out of the year that it's considered socially acceptable to randomly and without any real reason, prey upon people's fears, hopes, dreams, good will, and innocent gullability in an effort to scare them shitless, and/or humiliate them endlessly. In exchange for the abject terror and pain we cause our friends and loved ones, we get a cheap laugh. I don't get people.
I think April Fools jokes involving the health of someone who could very well be hurt or sick at any given point deserve a physical response. I.E, if my sister said my father had a heart attack and it was VERY POSSIBLE HE DID, I'd punch her in the face. Those are not warranted nor funny. :p
I think April Fools jokes involving the health of someone who could very well be hurt or sick at any given point deserve a physical response. I.E, if my sister said my father had a heart attack and it was VERY POSSIBLE HE DID, I'd punch her in the face. Those are not warranted nor funny. :p

it wasn't funny i wanted to strangle her
Seriously, I advocate violence in said situation. I see no gender, just someone deserving of a good thrashing.
Rip off her arms and legs, strap them to the ceiling fan, turn it on, shove her in front of them, and watch her get beaten to death by her own dismembered limbs.

Gets the job done.
