This is what happens when the wife takes off for the night.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.

Yeah. Best sandwitches EVER. Italian bread, butter, garlic, mozzarella and ham with a touch of pepper. Bake for 15 mins at 350, fucking done.

This is why Americans are fat (we dream this kind of shit up). :lol:
yeah thats a great fast to do then eat meal...for me it has to be:
white bread, mozarella, ham, mozarella (yeah), garlic, oregano, basil, marjoram and some paprika pouder.
nom nom.
Hey they look great! If we're chucking food ideas around i'll jump in; grab some tortillas, garlic, olive oil, cracked pepper and salt, and whatever filling you like. Finely grate the garlic and add to the oil along with the salt and pepper. Rub the oil mixture onto both sides of the tortillas evenly and fry in a pan. Once turned place your filling in (i'd go ham or turkey) and fold up (halves then quarters) leaving in the pan long enough to heat the filling. Serve with hummous or chilli dip. :p
This stuff is fucking great for sandwiches! Its like some kind of creamy tomato sauce with brandy... The shrimp is on the bottle because it works well with seafood, not because it contains it^^
I´m really addicted to that stuff... I eat it to almost anything :)