This isn't very funny - so why am I laughing my ass off?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Sweden's HAMMERFALL have been cheated out of their entire earnings from their U.S. tour last year, including all the merchandising money — to the tune of 250,000 Swedish kronor (approximately $32,000).

"A person has stolen the money from the five-week-long tour, plus the money from the sales of t-shirts and other merchandise," HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak told the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet.

Added vocalist Joacim Cans, "It took us several months to find this out. In addition, he stole the drums, the amplifiers, and all the other rental equipment [used during the tour]."

HAMMERFALL's record company, Nuclear Blast Records, had originally recommended this person, who was part of the tour entourage.

"He came with good references, but he had an extreme split personality," Oscar said. "All of a sudden, he would become enraged [for no apparent reason]."

When asked if they have reported this theft to the police, Joacim said, "That's up to our German management to handle. The police report has to be filed in the U.S. To everyone's surprise, the man recently showed up again [after not being seen for a while]. But he's spent all the money [he stole]. According to the booking agency [that was responsible for arranging the tour], he's promised to pay it back."
I'm not laughing I'm afraid :erk: That's one of the worst things that can happen to a touring band and one like Hammerfall deserves better. I suppose there's an element of Spinal Tap humour there to be appreciated but I feel more sorry for them than anything...
It is so Spinal Tap...I mean, the fact that this geezer even had an "extreme split personality" and "all of a sudden would become enraged [for no apparent reason]".

I just have this picture of Hammerfall fighting this weirdo off with their plastic swords everytime he flipped his lid.