Has anyone seen this video? Blew my socks off, the graphics in this video...just wow.
fast forward til 3:12 if you just want to see the goods.
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the suicide is indeed a cliche....a bit cheesy. But the quality of the graphics, the colors scheme, angles, lighting, is what stuns me.
I've really been digging this one lately. Not a fan of the music at all, but the clip and production really get me:
SicRoker: nothing about the Dark Funeral video can't be done with a budget of about 100 bucks. The video is among the lamest metal videos I've seen in years. It's just a bunch of ridiculous looking guys playing in a rotten room (or worse: playing guitar on a staircase ...). I didn't see any graphics at all throughout the whole video ...
the drummer and his tom fills are some serious bad-assery
Your video isn't my cup of tea either, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna piss all over it...
Grow up?