This one autistic kid is now, smarter than all of you.


Thank you for noticing.
Dec 18, 2006
New york, USA

Barnett's parents knew that there was something different with their son when he didn't speak until the age of two. He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, so they thought he might have problems in school. Instead, they were astounded when he started solving 5,000 piece puzzles by the age of 3. The 12-year-old taught himself calculus, algebra and geometry in two weeks, and can solve up to 200 numbers of Pi. He left high school at the ripe old age of eight and has been attending college-level advanced astrophysics classes ever since.

I could just drop out of college and give up. :/
That page said:
Could Einstein's Theory of Relativity be a few mathematical equations away from being disproved? Jacob Barnett of Hamilton County, Ind., who is just weeks shy of his 13th birthday, thinks so.

I waswaiting for Leandro..:lol:

Jacob's concern with the Big Bang is that carbon wouldn't have had time to form, from the guts of an exploding star, Earth, in only 13.7 billion years. I have pondered that myself. So he goes on to say that 2% of the universe's carbon would have to be formed in a few micro-seconds or a couple nano-seconds to which he replies "Not gonna happen". But, back to the formation of carbon from stars, I have the notion in my mind that the first stars were so massive and so unstable their lives weren't actually that long, so if a star formed in a few millions years, lived about 6-8 billion, then went red giant and super nova, that leaves plenty of time for our solar system to be formed, to which astronomers calculate to be 4.6 billion. Also, both general and special relativity have been proven so hard already, it's fucken ridiculous.

I really think this kid is a little shit, he has savant like abilities e.g., playing classical piano pieces by ear. Which means he's not so much a genius, as he is just born with mild autism.
Is that a separate objection to the one he has against relativity or did the journalist just mix things up? Because Einstein did little or no work in the Big Bang theory, that's due to Lemâitre, Friedmann, Robertson, Walker, and a few hundred others. But anyway, the thing is: okay, after quark-gluon plasma cools down we have primordial nucleosynthesis that fiils the universe with hydrogen, and after a few thousand years we have stellar formation. We know we do have stellar formation because we've seen galaxies that are like only 300,000 years older than the universe.

So we've established that there were very old stars at the beginning of the universe. Now, how long could they last? Let's see how long stars last today. A red dwarf (like Barnard's star) can live for a few trillion years (so it's conceivable some of the first stars are still around), a yellow dwarf like the Sun or Tau Ceti lives for a few billion years, while very massive giants (like Rigel or Betelgeuse) last only few million years. Now let's see, okay, at first we only have hydrogen, but the first stars fuse the hell out of it, forming helium, carbon and oxygen. Then the heavier stars (doesn't need to be too heavy, twice the Sun's mass is more than enough) begin to fuse iron, and go supernova (forming even more heavier elements) all over the place. If we look out the window, we see the universe today being littered with supernova remnants. There's enough time since the beginning of the universe for stars to form, explode, reform and explode again, a thousand times over.

Then we have the meta-arguments: if the Big Bang theory truly couldn't explain how heavy elements formed (btw: the Earth is made mostly of iron, not carbon), even after models of cosmological evolution having been simulated to death, people would kind of hear about it. Nah, the Big Bang theory has a few problems as we understand it (mostly, we have no way to explain how there's so much matter and barely any antimatter), but this is not one of them.

A penny for every time a 12 year old claims to have a "theory"... overzealous parents really need to stop flaunting their damn kids so much, maybe they'll stop thinking they're smarter than the generations of brilliant and more experienced scientists that came before. I mean, of course it's impressive that he shows a decent (not great, decent) understanding of univariate calculus at 12, and he may or may not have an interesting future in science, but science is a marathon, not a sprint. Of course there are some kid geniuses. Julian Schwinger got a PhD when he was 18. But Albert Einstein, for example, received his when he was 26. Science has a lot more to do with having the creativity to ask the right questions than the ability to learn things that already exist.

tl;dr: the kid knows some calculus, that's nice. Still, that doesn't make him any more qualified to make "theories" about cosmology and gravitation than a random sophomore engineering student.

Edit: found a nice and very readable Hertzprung-Russell diagram relating star lifetimes with their luminosity and spectral type. Pretty nice. I want a poster of it. Click for larger, screen breaking version.
I was under the misapprehension that the article had his objection to the Big Bang. That was published at The Blaze, and since it's a right wing conservative Christian website ran by that dildo strap-on Glenn Beck, the headline was something along the lines of '12 year old genius says he has problems with the big bang, and, well, has debunked it.' lol, i won't post the article, it's not even worth to, someone getting his PhD, to read it. And I absolutely agree with that last paragraph, brilliant.
"Hey, this picture is really good!"
"well when I was borned the doctor said I was borderline artistic, maybe I'm wall the way now!"