This ought to be interesting


Feb 19, 2003
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Well, personally, I think they should have chosen Johan, but then again, I'm biased...

"According to a report in trade publication VARIETY, Anthony Hopkins has been cast as Odin in the live-action film on Marvel's Thor. (This contradicts earlier rumors that Brian Blessed was cast in the role).

http://www.variety. com/article/ VR1118010609. html?categoryid= 13&cs=1&nid=2562&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterf eed

OR http://tinyurl. com/yhgv5vv"
Anthony Hopkins is a fine actor, but if they're going to go for a Marvel rendition of Odin, he seen a bit..unfit?
Dunno if I would agree to Johan fitting that role...but then again neither does Anthony Hopkins really XD
Antony Hopkins isn't a bad idea... he looked very vikingish in that Beowulf adaptation (even if it was CGI or whatever).
The problem is he's probably not big enough, I'd have pictured a huge stronger-looking person for Odin.

Do we know who Thor will be yet?

I'm scared this Marvel adaptation will make Odinism seem stupid. For example:
-"What's your pendant?"
-"It's a Thor's Hammer"
-"oh, like the super hero?"
Yeah, I was kidding about Johan, but as Celtik said, he wasn't half bad in Beowulf. How's about Johnny Depp as Loki? The Norweigan dude that had one of the leads in 13th warrior would be good as Loki, too. I don't suppose it'll be very "period", but it's not supposed to be, It's supposed to be true to the spirit of the comic, and if that's what they're going for, they really need Arnold to step out of retirement and play any role they can think of! LOL.
What would be cool is if they stopped making those damn stupid Marvel movies all together and instead start making movies that challenge the audience.

I dunno..I found the Hulk and Wolverine movies challenging....granted ok challenging to stay awake but still..
It might be a movie called “Den som griper til sverd”, but I don't know much about it, other than it is said to have a big budget and be about Vikings. Maybe I can find some more on the net...