This place sucks at night.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Not tired at all, bored, wishing for (sort of) human contact, but all you kids are in bed. Either that, or off doing naughty things... damn kids. Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckifuckf8uckfuckjosdrpziygoirsehgoiprhrsoh

Too late to play guitar, too late to eat, Tv sucks. Being a night owl isn;t fun when no one else does it with you. Rambling FUN! MASJODHGUIARQRYQQROIEYROQIEFOIUAYFOAUIEY
move out on your own and you can make as much noise at 1 in the morning as you feel like. and if you move out with a friend then BAM! you're not alone either.
well not excessive noise, but you can listen to music or play some guitar or somthing at a decent volume or make noise in the kitchen or do whatever you feel like.
My fucking roommate goes to bed so early and I can't do shit. I hate that dumbass. He watches MY tv, sits on MY couch, puts stuff in MY fridge, uses MY fan and you get the idea. That fucker didn't bring anything with him the only thing in the room that's his is his fucking computer and cd player. I've thought about fucking his cd player up so he won't be playing his shitty music but then he'll want to borrow my cd player too.
Well, the next night I went to my friend's house out in the middle of nowhere, downtuned his guitar to "B" and attempted some Carcass. Yes, ATTEMPTED. I'm not fast enough for the Heartwork intro just yet.