My favorite is definitely when someone says "hey do you have the full original picture?" and the person is like "Sure!" - and posts the full pic of The Rock
Does anyone else think that posting the full page of the chick would be illegal in most countries? She looks too young.
That's the face of Emma Watson (who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies) and it's photoshoped. You're right though she was illegal in that photo not anymore though (yay ).
Good, cuz she is fucking SLAMMING now! :hotjump:
that or just goes miley cyrus, fucks some guy and gets pictures taken of it which somehow find their way onto the interwebs
Wait, Miley Cyrus did that? I mean, not like I'm particularly interested, cuz I don't find her that attractive
Seriously, all that eyeliner only makes it worse, not to mention the hideous leatherface tan - and overall, her face is just really chubby and strange looking, eek!
Wait, Miley Cyrus did that? I mean, not like I'm particularly interested, cuz I don't find her that attractive, but still, that's news to me!