this religion belief-o-matic thingie is neato

roman catholicism 9th!!!

i think the test is inaccurate, though, in that although i answered a ton of things against "church doctrine", they don't seem to have taken into consideration that it wasn't papal-infallibility-core-belief stuff, but things that will one day change (anti-homosexuality stuff, sex roles for men and women).

i also used to be a lot more ba'hai when i took this a couple of years ago. and i think i used to be Liberal Quaker #1 and (dirty) Protestant (bastard) #2, so something's changed.
as i was telling avi on AIM durng the Board Diaspora, i heard last year that beliefnet (or at least this quiz) was constructed by quakers, which is why it's really easy to get a high % in some sort of quakerism.
for the record, I consider myself somewhat of a Conservative Jew, an option not listed in the results. It's somewhat between Orthodox and Reform, if you are curious.
no, that is preppy!

...and you guys barely know me, but here's my results:

1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers (94%) 3. Unitarian Universalism (93%) 4. Bahá'í Faith (78%) 5. Secular Humanism (76%) 6. Neo-Pagan (75%) 7. New Age (71%) 8. Theravada Buddhism (68%) 9. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (64%) 10. Mahayana Buddhism (64%) 11. Taoism (63%) 12. New Thought (59%) 13. Reform Judaism (58%) 14. Nontheist (53%) 15. Scientology (51%) 16. Orthodox Quaker (50%) 17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (49%) 18. Jainism (47%) 19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (43%) 20. Sikhism (43%) 21. Jehovah's Witness (37%) 22. Orthodox Judaism (33%) 23. Hinduism (30%) 24. Islam (30%) 25. Eastern Orthodox (21%) 26. Roman Catholic (21%) 27. Seventh Day Adventist (21%)

I barely even know the difference between Catholic and Protestant, or any religion for that matter... I have a lot of link-clicking to do...:p

(changed sig in honor of this thread :D )