This RULES, but they say it BLOWS?!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Somewhat inspired by Ali's thread, but flipped. What are the albums that you seem to really enjoy but the main consensus is that it sucks better than a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

Yeah, this thread was also inspired by me listening to Dimension Zero - Silent Night Fever and remember how much I enjoy it but people slam it. *shrug* I'll admit it isn't anything special but sure is catchy as fuck and unrelenting at the same time.
At the Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease

A lot of people dog it, but I think it's pretty good and a fun listen.
NUIT NOIRE's Lunar Deflagration. Very unique, bizarre recording that most people tend to dislike, but I think it's great.

You reading my mind? Ha! Thats funny cuz I was JUST listening to that to figure out what to put on my mp3 player for my cardio session.

edit: no I wasnt. it was WFIKTBD. :tickled:

That said...TRiTSiO would be 2745x better if it left out the fucking violins.
People don't seem to love Zyklon's Aeon too much, but it's one of my most listened-to death metal albums.
Sallow the Sun - Ghost of Loss
A giant step foward from The Morning Never Came IMO. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or anything but I think it's a solid record noneless.
Err, oh.. how could I forget: I find IX Equilibrium and 34.7888% Complete to be the peaks of these bands' careers.
Unicorn's Ever Since and Emotional Wasteland

Totally gay, sappy neo-prog made by a bunch of awkward teenagers, but I love it. spikes_77 agrees with me!
Easy as hell - Misantropical Painforest - Winds Saturate With Inhumane Longing
I feel like this about alot of the stuff I recommend to the forum. Although its usually "mehn" responses more than hate.

offtopiic- Doomy, check out the samples from the first Onward album I posted in my new Reco thread. I know you didnt dig the ones from the other album I posted, but these are less polished/more traditional.
Unicorn's Ever Since and Emotional Wasteland

Totally gay, sappy neo-prog made by a bunch of awkward teenagers, but I love it. spikes_77 agrees with me!

:lol: HOLY SHIT!!! I didn't think anyone else even knew of Unicorn!! I love Emotional Wasteland!! True old friend of mine is getting married in June and they have asked us all to give them a song for a cd that will be handed out at said wedding. I nearly sent 'At The End of The Bridge'.

I think a large part of my infatuation for this cd was the fact that it was given to me by Dan Swano himself (through Kimberly Goss). I used to worship Mr. Swano like a god. I still think he's a freakin metal genious.
I still do worship him! He is amazing.

You know "At the End of the Bridge" isn't about a chick right? It's about the town he grew up in (Finspang, i believe) :lol:

Totally awesome to discover another Unicorn fan on this board!