This Week Only: Drum Edits - $25/track


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
In light of a few recent events that have completely fucked me over financially (stolen guitar, multiple bands canceling LAST MINUTE, UPS completely losing part of a package I received today, etc), I need cash, and need it desperately!

So, for this week only (ends on the 9th), I'm doing drum edits for $25. This is half my usual rate. If any of you hate drum editing half as much as I do, you'll know that $25/track is peanuts and barely above minimum wage, if it even hits that.

As far as my credentials... I edited drums for Dave Otero on the new Cephalic Carnage album, the Allegaeon album that's out on Metal Blade on the 20th, and on Lasse's Halcyon Way stuff.

-Consolidated .wav/.aiff/.sd2 files
-MIDI file for tempo information or a list of tempo changes in .txt format
-Cannot be super technical. I would love to edit all of your Vale of Pnath/Necrophagist style techdeth for that price, but lets be honest... that stuff takes twice as long for a usual song. I'll do it, but it'll be my usual rate!

I have a dedicated FTP server you will upload to/download from. You'll get the consolidated and quantized drum tracks, as well as a midi file or trigger-splat style bounce for the kick drum. Because of this low price, I'm not doing MIDI for the rest of the kit like I usually do.

If interested, PM me. Hell, if you need reamps or vocal/gtr/bass editing done, too, I can do that for dirt cheap. Pretty much name your price and what editing you need done (besides drum), and I'll probably do it!
-Consolidated .wav/.aiff/.sd2 files
-MIDI file for tempo information or a list of tempo changes in .txt format
-Cannot be super technical. I would love to edit all of your Vale of Pnath/Necrophagist style techdeth for that price, but lets be honest... that stuff takes twice as long for a usual song. I'll do it, but it'll be my usual rate!

Damn. :D

Killer job on the Collapse stuff by the way. I just got back to work on it a little this week and the edits sound tight.

I fully endorse Jeff and his mad editing skills. He's always done a killer job and he's only getting better.