This Week's Concert - 6/25/2004 - KISS

Whoa...KISS from this month !?!? Should be good to hear Eric and Tommy play like Peter and Ace. I've seen KISS (in various forms) several times and although it's always a good time, I think I'll kick it here with some frosties and Stickman. :kickass:

I'm thinking about a kick-ass Summer Strut myself: Motley (w/Vince), Priest (w/Halford), Skids (w/Sebastian), with PC69 opening it up !! Whatta think 'bout that shit !! :yow:

....ahhhhh I can dream right !?!? :cry:
Yeah! That would be a pretty kick ass tour!! No Doubt!

This KISS concert sounded pretty good... I was actually able to listen to it at work today while the boss was out! HEHE! :kickass:

For those of you that missed it you can catch it Sunday night around Midnight!
