this week's theme is 'papercut week'

dude, i got one from a manila folder on the side of my pointer finger! so every time i try to run my fingers through my hair i am in stingy finger hell!
that's what you get for pushing paper, l00zerz!

i got you all beat...

i had a one inch sliver go under my fingernail, and out the side of my finger.

i almost grabbed my camera and took a picture before i pulled it out... but then i thought, "damn, this hurts"

as soon as i pulled it out i was bleading like a stuck pig (sorry for the metaphor preppy)... fun times for all

p.s. i saved the sliver.
If I were a music critic, I would love to review that album, just so I can make witty comments like "Papercut is thin, painful, and if you talk about it all the time people will think you're a pussy!" I honestly think many critics shape their reviews based on the smarmiest thing they can pun off the title..."Punch Drunk Love is down for the count!" etc.