Thomas Miller Gear

Neo-Classical Bassist

New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2004
For the past couple of weeks I've been listening to Divine Wings of Tragedy, and I am absoulutley floored by Thomas Miller's (the bass player) technique and tone. Does anybody know what gear he used? (They dont have it listed on the SX site, most likely because he isn't a current member.)
I'm sorry, but I have no idea about his gear. But I must say that Miller's bass lines and lyrics are awesome. In one of the booklets of the Special Edition CD's, there's a picture of Miller with one of his basses...I'll see if I can scan it later and send it to you.

By the way, it's great to have another bassist on this forum! I thought I was the only one!
I've been listening to the album a lot too.

I can play Sea of Lies and it sounds pretty good on my uncles bassists Warwick Thumb... I have a shitty bass so I play his when I can.

But he has a standard Warwick Thumb and a Marshall VBC810... I didn't fiddle around with the knobs nor did I check what the settings were.
MorphineChild205 said:
By the way, it's great to have another bassist on this forum! I thought I was the only one!

Im a bassist! dont post much though, lol.

As to the topic, Im not sure what Miller used, but as for tone, lower the treble a bit (from a standard 'scooped' EQ) and whack on some compression. Play with fingers not a pick and keep it tight and smooth....should get somewhere in the general region.