Thorns/Blut aus nord type stuff

The drums don't sound shitty enough for Blut Aus Nord type stuff ;)

I dig the guitars for this style. What did you use? Not a huge fan of the drum programming and the song gets pretty repetitive since they're aren't any lyrics/vocals. But yeah, one of the more enjoyable tunes I've heard here.
Cheers for the input.
I tried not to go overboard with the structure, so it would be easier to put vocals over it. Even though I don't think the riffs themselves are particularly well suited for vocals anyway.
And the drums are my biggest weak point, both in terms of mixing and writing, so that is to be expected! :lol: .........the ride :puke:
Guitars were a Warlock with super distortions --> ts9 --> 5150 2x12 combo.