Thought About People Leaving Before Nevermore


Neuroses Facilitator
I think I might want to list a few things that I've thought about after reading a few of the posts regarding a 'mass exodus' before Nevermore playing on Saturday, or that this won't sell out.

1. Nevermore has elements of Prog AND Power in their music. This is obvious on releases such as "Dreaming Neon Black" as well as "Dead Heart...". Anyone unfamiliar with them will at the very least stay at the beginning to check out these qualities in them as they have elements that appeal to a lot of people.

2. Nevermore has very few headlining shows under their belts. I have seen (as well as others on the forum) one or two myself, and those were rare to say the least. If you are a fan, this will be quite an incentive to purchase a ticket just for the fact that they will be giving us around two hours of material.

3. There will be an over-abundance of first-time PP'ers for this fest. This will definitely bring in the more 'standard' Metal fans and this will be evident in how fast this sells out. I'm thinking that this will break the time record.

I just wanted to put these thoughts out just for people to swirl on a bit before they naysay the slot Nevermore has for headlining. I think they'll surprise a lot of people. I was definitely leaning towards not going before, as I was only interested in Mercenary and Pyramaze, and mildly in Freak Kitchen. But knowing now about EG and N headlining, I am really excited about this show. This is definitely more up my alley. Dark and heavy!!:headbang:
Oh, I think they deserve to headline and I think it's a fine pick. I have a 12-13 hour drive the next day and I can't take the day off on Monday so I'm 50/50 on staying. I had to leave Strato. last year and that killed me but the ride would be even worse if I stayed to the very end.
yea, well. id rather take my tired ass back to the river of alcohol and other stuff in my hotel room. how can you say that there will be an abundance of first-timers there? people aren't going to spend that much money just because nevermore is there. fuck that if it does happen, but i don't see it happening. regular metal fans won't know who all these other bands are (which is why i love this lineup minus nevermore), so they won't spend the money (thank god). coincidentally, ive been to 3 PPs (4,5,6) and nevermore is the only band out of the past 3 years that i havnt been looking forward to see. friday is going to kick my ass hard anyway. i wouldnt be able to give ANY saturday headliner much attention, much less a band i can't stand
SoNofBitcH said:
how can you say that there will be an abundance of first-timers there? people aren't going to spend that much money just because nevermore is there. fuck that if it does happen, but i don't see it happening. regular metal fans won't know who all these other bands are (which is why i love this lineup minus nevermore), so they won't spend the money (thank god).

That's cool that you think that but I'd disagree with you. Yeah, conventionally you would think that someone wouldn't go because they won't know a lot of the other bands, but I think that you are: 1) understating some Nevermore fan's possibility of knowing 2-3 other bands on the bill, and 2) Overlooking the fact that a lot of the regular goers don't know more than 2-4 bands on the bill as well.

Also, if my fave (or top 3 fave band) is playing a fest in my own country and I've never seen them play a headlining set, you can bet your ass I'll be there regardless of whoever else is on the bill or how much it costs.

The money isn't that much if it's something you are dying to see.
nevermore will get a headlining tour sooner or later. that's inevitable. and most everyone knows that. it's not something that will probably never happen. they're americans ffs
I am going to spend in excess of $1000.00 on this show with airfare, hotel, ticket and cd's. I have been to p/ps 2,3,& 4. The only reason I am going this year is, Nevermore on Sat and Evergrey on Fri. Had Nevermore not been added to Headline, I probably would not have gone. If you have a problem with Nevermore, don't stay. The floor won't be as crowded, and I hear that Jessica Simpson is playing the same night. You might be able to catch the end of that show.

Come on people! There is bands on the ticket who I have never heard of and would have never went to see. But I will be on the floor and right up front for every band and probably come away a fan of a few of the lesser bands. Nevermore is a kick ass Power Metal band, in my opinion. I know the guys in Nevermore and they deserve the headlining spot! Like it or not they will be there and you will be surprised at how many people will be there with them and how many new Nevermore fans will come out of the venue. This p/p will sell out in record time, not just because of Nevermore, but because with the addition of Nevermore and Evergrey, not to mention Mercenary and Thunderstone, it's the best lineup yet.:headbang:
Force10 said:
I don't care who leaves; I know for sure I'll be staying.

That's exactly my thought... Leave if you want, you're just gonna miss a killer fucking show and we'll think about it in the future and laugh at those who miss it :tickled:
it's funny how some of you think that those planning to leave before nevermore are just weak nerds that couldn't handle a heavier show. learn to take criticism of your favorite bands without resorting to cheap insults
Buddy boy, I think everyone that made that sort of comment didn't mean that in a serious way....

I will say that it sucks for you that you're leaving cause the show will kick some ass.
Eegads why is everyone making such a fuss over such a kick-ass band??!?!? Like it was said before me, Nevermore is pure FN metal. I think Nevermore and Arch Enemy are 2 of the most important bands in metal now. Make sure you read what I typed before burning me at the stake.. key word "OF".

Radge ruled, those that didn't stay missed out.. -nuff said. Will there be a repeat of that happening? I highly doubt it.

A bit of perspective here....

Those with the voice of dissent have the loudest voices. Their opinion stands out that way because they are indeed in the minority. It gives them the appearance of an higher percentage. That's not a slam, just a simple truth.

I've heard the same for the last three festivals to varying degrees regarding different bands. Don't sweat it.

Glenn H.