Thoughts on 6505+ 112 Combo?


Nov 13, 2010
Cologne, Germany
Hey guys, just wanted to hear some opinions on this piece of equipment... Also, maybe this would help - for now I'm thinking of using only its preamp stage and adding an impulse afterwards, so is there a big difference in preamp section between this one and the original head alone?...
If anyone has some decent clips (by any chance recorded with external cab or with impulses) it would be wonderful!
I have the 112 it.

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That sounds eerily close to Shane's old Kazrog/Backmask tone... especially in the pinch-harmonics. :)

It's a good sound, but I don't see the similarity other than in the guitar playing honestly (very similar to how I approach pinch harmonics.) The rhythm tone on Dark Fiber (if anyone cares) was:

EMG 85 and 707 equipped ESP guitars into Keeley-Modded Ibanez TS808 reissue and Boss NS-2 pedals, into Peavey 6505+ with Mesa OS 4x12 quad tracked (2 tracks crunch channel, 2 tracks lead channel per song) into one Audix i5 mic a half inch from the grille in the edge position into Neve 1081 preamp/EQ (with some settings dialed to taste.)

I have no experience with the new Chinese 112 combos, but it seems easier/cheaper/less risky to go with a used 5150 IMO.
Yeah, sorry I wasn't meaning to say your sound on Dark Fiber was achieved with cheap gear. I was just surprised at how similar it sounded. And I guess it did have a lot to do with the playing. Either way, thanks for sharing your settings! :headbang::kickass:
Kazrog thanks for hopping in... As for the "used 5150" comment, I already said that unfortunately that's not an option because of the location where I live (insane shipping costs)...
I really hope that someone who has the combo can also provide us with some clips...
nerv ...

If its any consolation the 5150 combo didnt sound much like the head either. The 6505 combo is a good combo but I personally feel the Bugera 6262 sounds more like a 6505 then the 6505+ combo.

Wow! You really think so!?... Among the clips I've found there is this one - comparing the original 5150 head to 6505+ combo, and to be honest I can't imagine that Bugera 6262 and 6505+ share more similarity than these two in the vid. Now I know what I said about cam miced recordings, but since both of this amps were recorded in the same fashion then you can actually have an idea how do they compare to each other... I've also seen videos comparing Bugera to Peavey, and I can't say that they share the similarity like these two in the vid do... Am I wrong?

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The combo seems to have a tinnier metalic sound to it. (referring to the youtube comparison vid nervirasme posted)
nerv ...

If its any consolation the 5150 combo didnt sound much like the head either. The 6505 combo is a good combo but I personally feel the Bugera 6262 sounds more like a 6505 then the 6505+ combo.

Hey Guru, you got me seriously thinking - do you really think that I should go with 6262 instead of 6505+ combo?... Anyone had a chance to compare or play them both?