Thoughts on Charlie's Blast Beat

Apr 7, 2002
Sandford, Strathaven
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I read with interest Charlies comments and the response that it has prompted amongst us "fanboys". I personally am delighted that Charlie feels that he is able to get his thoughts of his chest on the site, and to let the real fans, which we all are, know what is going on in his head.

I have a lot of sympathy for his point of view and the evident frustration which he and know doubt the rest of the band are feeling. When I first heard SOWN, it was obvious (to me anyway) that it was a huge leap forward in songwriting, arrangements and production. Lets face it, if it said Metallica on the cover it would have sold many millions. If you take the comparison with Metallica a step further, over the years that Bush has been in the band, Anthrax's recorded output has been consistently superior to Metallica's, in my mind as a fan of both, and in the critic's reviews which I studiously read as much as possible.

Anthrax have just released what they (and I) consider to be their best album, whilst Metallica release St.Anger, their equivelent of Motley's lame NewTattoo, a piss poor attempt to "recapture" what made them great in the first place. So. over 20 years into their respective careers, 'Thrax release their best effort, Metallica release another desperatly disapointing album. At this point, the metalli media goes into overdrive, MTV, kerrang! fawn over Metallica and Anthrax barely register a mention. At least Metal Hammer gave it straight.

No wonder Charlie sits back and wonders what the fuck they are supposed to do. A good support slot would do wonders, but that seems beyond their reach, and there is no sign of a hand of friendship from Kirk etc. Perhaps they realise that Anthrax would stomp over them as touring partners, perhaps know that What Doesn't Die kicks Ain't My Bitch into the grass. Anthrax (and Slayer for that matter) would be an embarrasment for Lars and Jame's egos.

Whatever it is, the band desperatly need a break and they don't know where it is coming from. I hope it comes this summer, because I fear that once the natural touring cycle for WCFYA is over they might just call it a day.

Rock N Roll from Strathaven, Scotland
ive said it once and i will say it again they had total control over getting rid of joey belladonna,while they say it had to happen can u tell me how many bands have kept the same success or bettered it after changing singers!!!

and i will already rattle the obvious 2 wich are acdc and van halen but who else is there???
of course they have had bad luck but they have had total control over alot of things that happened,who the fuck would sign with an independant after having the resume of being on elektra,i am sure scott said there were a couple of majors that had interest in them,they prob chose independant thinking they would get more money in there pockets,well they were wrong!!!
Jono said:
well losing popularity was the price they had to pay for getting rid of a shitty singer.
my point exactly,everyone skirts around this and that but the main reason they are not as popular today is because of a change in singer!
Joey wasn't shitty ... I loved his voice ...but obviously his lack of direction, and creative input wasn't for the band ... and yes I also love Bush's voice
Yeah but SOWN was one of their biggest selling albums right? I believe it is platinum. So how could it be the change of singers that hurt them? What hurt them is rap and pop and that worthless piece of trash kurt cobain who ruined all music---yeah the cheesy hair bands went away, but so did thrash and great metal. Rot eternally kurt, god damn your band sucked
sufferer said:
Yeah but SOWN was one of their biggest selling albums right? I believe it is platinum. So how could it be the change of singers that hurt them? What hurt them is rap and pop and that worthless piece of trash kurt cobain who ruined all music---yeah the cheesy hair bands went away, but so did thrash and great metal. Rot eternally kurt, god damn your band sucked
Calm down, man. The Seattle guys did not have any responsibility over metal scene going away. It just became so washed up at the time, people are not persistent over what they listen to. If it was not for Cobain, it would have been someone else.
The simple fact that VH and AC/DC did achieve succes after changing singers means that it can work for any band. I thought Joey had a great voice, but towards the end, you could here the struggle. Does anybody have "Live, the Island years?" Come on, his voice was tired as hell on that whole CD. Maybe it was just where his voice went, maybe he was drinking too much, whatever. I think they were wise to get Bush. Besides, Bush certaintly is not responsible for the change in the music. That is All Scott. By the time S442 rolled around he was the only one writing the riffs, save the few that Charlie comes up with. Joey and John were never responsible for the music. Frank was responsible for a lot of the melodies, but now that's shot to hell. I'm sure Bush has some good melodies in his head but damn, Frank you are missed so much already and I hav'nt even heard what the band sounds like without you yet. :confused:
Pelvic Fury said:
The simple fact that VH and AC/DC did achieve succes after changing singers means that it can work for any band. I thought Joey had a great voice, but towards the end, you could here the struggle. Does anybody have "Live, the Island years?" Come on, his voice was tired as hell on that whole CD. Maybe it was just where his voice went, maybe he was drinking too much, whatever. I think they were wise to get Bush. Besides, Bush certaintly is not responsible for the change in the music. That is All Scott. By the time S442 rolled around he was the only one writing the riffs, save the few that Charlie comes up with. Joey and John were never responsible for the music. Frank was responsible for a lot of the melodies, but now that's shot to hell. I'm sure Bush has some good melodies in his head but damn, Frank you are missed so much already and I hav'nt even heard what the band sounds like without you yet. :confused:
more like charlie made room for a couple of scotts riffs,in case u didnt know charlie has pretty much been writing all the music on the past few records and has since spreading album always contributed the most!!!

u cant blame joeys performance on live the island years,the whole mix on that vid sucks big time and the singer will suffer thew most!!!!!!!!!
Pelvic Fury said:
The simple fact that VH and AC/DC did achieve succes after changing singers means that it can work for any band. I thought Joey had a great voice, but towards the end, you could here the struggle. Does anybody have "Live, the Island years?" Come on, his voice was tired as hell on that whole CD. Maybe it was just where his voice went, maybe he was drinking too much, whatever. I think they were wise to get Bush. Besides, Bush certaintly is not responsible for the change in the music. That is All Scott. By the time S442 rolled around he was the only one writing the riffs, save the few that Charlie comes up with. Joey and John were never responsible for the music. Frank was responsible for a lot of the melodies, but now that's shot to hell. I'm sure Bush has some good melodies in his head but damn, Frank you are missed so much already and I hav'nt even heard what the band sounds like without you yet. :confused:
As far as the credits on Stomp 442 go: "Music by Charlie Benante" NOTHING ELSE.
I know Charlie writes a lot, I'm just saying that you can't blame the music on whoever happens to be singing. Belladona and Bush have never been responsible for anything more than a melody, certaintly not the guitar riffs. I know the mix on Island years sucked, but that was'nt it. The best mix in the world could not have covered up all the squeeks and the being a half step off all the time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Joey, but towards the end he really did loose it. Check out the live video for "Metal Thrashing Mad" on the POV tape, or listen to the Armed and Dangerouse version of panic. Joey was on the money and blowing neil turbin out of the water. Then fast forward to all the live shit they recorded during the POT era. There is a pretty big difference. The live stuff on the Killer B's albulm was good, but everything else was kinda off. As for the label business, with all do respect, no major label wanted to sign a band named Anthrax after all the goddamn terrorism crap. I know it's a lame excuse but it's true. Now that people are scared shitless about the stuff, nobody wants to promote a band with the name. I think that sucks. Anthrax the band has made a lot more history than Anthrax the bacteria, and it's not like they are the only band with an "offensive" name. I walked into a CD store and I saw Morbid Angel shit everywhere. And Cannible Corpse. Do you think I saw 1 damn Anthrax CD or shirt? no. Lables are killing music almost as much as shitty music is killing music.