Thoughts on crowdsurfing


New Metal Member
May 18, 2004
The Bathroom of Hell
Just wondering. What is everybodys thoughts on crowdsurfing? I thought I'd ask because I had a,hmm, unpleasent experiance at last friday's In Flames concert. I personally hope all crowdsurfers fall flat on their damned heads. :err:
If people wanna surf...let them surf at their own risk. The only problem I have with shows nowadays are the assholes who go there with the deliberate intent of hurting someone by blindsiding them with an elbow or a punch in the face in the pit...
Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome aboard bro! It's me..Fuck those metalcore fags!!!!!!!!!

P.S Seppuku \m/

As far as the crowd surfing incident went bro's. The pagentry of the faggetry of this concert can not go untold. Dozens upon dozens up As I lay sucking up the stage fans (AS I Lay dying= worst fn band I ever had the displeasure of listening to) Then Killswitch engage who was slightly better due to their song "Numbered Days" which I actually enjoy. But that's besides the point gang. Up front of the stage we had a bunch of cool metalheads. I had to have made atleast a dozen buddies their. And if any of them read this board...I was the guy sporting the nevermore shirt. Anyhow these fucktards keep crowd surfing on our faces... (It got really bad during the IF set) One of them got a medieval beatdown by GoScram and a couple other opethians while I joined in by holding the cumtarts leg down. After a 2 minute relentless sixpack of whoop ass was unleashed. The idiot thinks he can have a front row position. I promptly tell the kikenshmiker to get the fuck on to the back. I yell at him again "Get the fuck on to the back". He listens like the bitch that he is and goes back to the hardcore pit from which he was spawned.
About a minute goes by and I feel a thump on my noggin. I thought it was another crowd surfing shitbrain. But no....It was the same fag who I made bow down. Some 19 yr old queer who wears an earring. Anyhow I turn around and see nothing. The In Flamer next to me said he seen the dick sock me in the back of the head and then run to the hills (No Iron Maiden Pun Intended) So that pissed me off to an extent. Lucky for me my skulls stronger than his limp wrist. The night marches forward and In Flames comes up on stage. And the crowd surfing shit is getting out of control. A group of us metalheads up front were just punching and grabbing these dicks as they fly on top of us. My friend "GoScram" socked a couple in the genital region. After a couple songs we get seperated. I can't find my friend "GoScram" anywhere.
Turns out one of the crowdsurfers head hit his. He had to go to the side of the wiltern where an emt looked at him. He blacks out for several minutes as they try to snap him out of it. Anyhow to make a long story short. He suffers a concussion. His chick also got hit in the head by a crowd surfer earlier. As did everyone else who just wanted to watch the fucking show. I'm never going to one of the metalcore esque gigs again. Fucking horrible time.
And now Goscram has a horrible memory of anders as Anders motioned with his fingers "No No" when he was choking one of these dicks. Hey fight fire with fire I always say. The only consolation is that I met jesper earlier in the night which was pretty Spirit Lifting. That's all for this story gang.
There should be a rule whereby no one is allowed to stand within one metre of eachother at any concert.
i would think that anyone with half a brain in their head would know that front row at an in flames/as i lay dying show was going to be rough going. it happens, yeah it sucks, but i am not a fan of anyone who goes to a show to hurt people, and it sounds to me like you fellas started it.
F no. I didn't start crap. I didn't ask to have some dumb f'er's boot kick me in the face. My chick didn't ask for that either. I didn't ask to be kicked in the head either. So as far as that goes, they started it. They wanna do shit like that, then they're gonna suffer the consequences for their actions. I doubt anybody will stand idly by an get kicked an do nothing about it. :yell:
i didnt say it was fair, but i dont take my girl up front at a metal show for that reason. id rather enjoy the show than fight some jerkoff fratboy or prettyboy scene kid who came to dance or crowd surf and ends up hitting me or my girlfriend. im just saying theres no point in fighting people at shows, all you do is make it harder to get venues. not that im totally innocent, ive knocked the hell out of more than a few overzealous metalcore kids, but surely by now you know that its not going to stop. if it was purposeful thats one thing i guess, but it sounds like it wasnt.
I can't stand that or moshing. I would just like to watch the SHOW and not worry about getting punched in the face or being crushed.
I hate it when the crowd has no energy at shows. If every one just stood there It'd be no fun for the band.

I share hate for cock suckers that just wanna push people about and crawl around on my head... but i Dont think there's there's anything wrong with a bit of movement.

If I was in a band and every one just stood still Id get the impression that no one was getting into it. and that would make me teh sad.

Crowd surfing feels more acceptabole at certain gigs e.g if you're at a converge gig you've got to expect some fat mofo to dive on your face.
Crowd surfing is lame. I've often been hit and kicked by the jackasses doing it. I'm at the point now, that if a crowd surfer comes too close to me I'll grab them and throw them on the floor.
GoOnScram said:
Just wondering. What is everybodys thoughts on crowdsurfing? I thought I'd ask because I had a,hmm, unpleasent experiance at last friday's In Flames concert. I personally hope all crowdsurfers fall flat on their damned heads. :err:

Crowd surfing and inflames both suck ;)