Thoughts on the new Katagory V CD?


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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I figured I start this one, and see if anyone out there has got the new CD yet and what they think....

So far, I think it's the best yet, and a HUGE leap forward compared to the first and 2nd album in both production and songwitting. I certainly hope this is the CD that finally pushes them into the forefront and get's them a lot more recognition and respect....

Okay, I got it (yay!). Only had time for a couple of listens so far, but this record charges out of the speakers like a herd of angry elephants - the production is huge step up and there's not a weak track to be found. I'll proffer more thoughts later but I had very high hopes and expectations, and I'm not disappointed. My boys done me proud. :worship:
Ruined Luna said:
Okay, I got it (yay!). Only had time for a couple of listens so far, but this record charges out of the speakers like a herd of angry elephants - the production is huge step up and there's not a weak track to be found. I'll proffer more thoughts later but I had very high hopes and expectations, and I'm not disappointed. My boys done me proud. :worship:

:headbang: :kickass: :worship:

It's damn good to hear you say that!

Further thoughts, if brief: There's only one other album this year that could possibly top this, and it's a little record called A Matter Of Life And Death.

I'm not sure there's higher praise I could possibly offer, except to say that while many bands seem to peak at or around their third album, not only is The Rising Anger totally awesome in every way, but I still think you guys have yet to peak. Yeah, I think the next one's going to be even better. This isn't the sound of a band maxing out... this is the sound of a band still gathering momentum. And given how good I think the album is, you lot should take that as a big, big compliment. (I know Marc's gonna make some joke about me stroking egos now. ;))

Also, as an aside, it's the first CD I've ever found that is just too much for my car's stereo to take if the 'Loud' setting is turned on. The subs in the back (a pair of ten-inch Kenwoods) are only running off a little 150w amp and The Rising Anger makes them sound like they're going to blow the tailgate clean off. I have to switch off the Loud and then manually turn the bass down a few notches even further. The bottom end on this CD is like a goddamn sledgehammer... the production is absolutely fantastic. :headbang:

So, yeah, at worst you'll get to share my album-of-the-year honours with the Maiden (unless AMOLAD pulls out something beyond the realms of incredible). And, yeah, I know I don't buy many CDs these days, but even so.

I'm not just saying this 'cos you're my friends. I'm serious. You nailed it. :worship:
@ Ruined Luna: again, you are too kind! :kickass:

Sharing album of the year with Maiden is actually a VERY respectable postion, if you know what I mean. I mean seriosuly, they are THE band!!!

You can credit both Mike (producer) and Lance (Nightmare Records) for the sonic booming low frequencies that help flub-out those speakers of yours. :lol: Hopefully album #4 will be just as bombastic, if not thunderous.

@ J-Dub: well, once you get it, and hear it...we certainly hope it is better than broken safety glass!!! ...or at the very least, better than your other favorite band, PoS. :heh:
Hah! Watching an incontinent leper poop into a jar would be more enjoyable
than listening to, or watching PoS! Will be spinning the new disc tonight!

Finally have given the cd a proper uninterrupted listen, and I like it a lot.
The production is fantastic, and it sounds sonically "full". My only complaint (for lack of a better word) would be to have the guitar solos stand out a little more in the mix, but it's a minor complaint, as well as a biased one. :)

I don't have a favorite track (yet), but the title track just might be it.
Kudos to you and the gang ona very enjoyable listen!
See ya's in a few weeks.....

J-Dubya - Kat V will ALWAYS > PoS.....even if you turned into a polka band...
...[/quote]J-Dubya - Kat V will ALWAYS > PoS.....even if you turned into a polka band...[/quote]

Don't be knockin polka..."in heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here"...who DOESN't love these songs?

See ya in a few weeks. I'm going to bring along some safety glass for you unless you've changed your mind:)

...CAN'T WAIT FOR FREAK KITCHEN- FINLALLY!!! They are going to be AWESOME! I'm hoping you can introduce me to the band since you're a big bad sponsor this year!:worship:

-sheri :zombie:
prog2112 said:
Don't be knockin polka..."in heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here"...who DOESN't love these songs?

See ya in a few weeks. I'm going to bring along some safety glass for you unless you've changed your mind:)

...CAN'T WAIT FOR FREAK KITCHEN- FINLALLY!!! They are going to be AWESOME! I'm hoping you can introduce me to the band since you're a big bad sponsor this year!:worship:

-sheri :zombie:[/QUOTE]

I'm half Polish, I've od'ed on polka music in my youth! : )

No need to bring the safety glass, I'm old & set in my ways, so my mind has not changed! LOL

I'm not a sponsor, I tried to gather up some people for a sponsorship, but Glen modified the rules this year, so all my "work" went on behind the scenes
before they were announced. I was going to provide for a free Freak Guitar clinic, but the FK travel schedule wouldn't allow them to get in a day earlier.
The clinic would have been before the Pre-Party, and would have been a rocking way to kick off the fest. I tried, Glen tried.....maybe next time.... :(
I'm hoping the guys are sociable, and will be hanging around during the fest,
I'm fairly certain they will, but I'll make sure to find you guys soon as I know what's going on.... : ) I'm SOOOOOO looking forward to that hour set!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

J-Dubya 777 said:
-sheri :zombie:

I'm half Polish, I've od'ed on polka music in my youth! : )

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


I'm a quarter Polish (g-ma was from Poland)...maybe we're related...LOL!

Well Freak Kitchen or no Freak Kitchen, we'll be hanging out at some point. Is Rick coming this year? No more bad stuff is allowed to happen before PP anymore!!

I'm tellin ya, after a couple of beers, you may even look through the safety glass and change your mind....I still think I need to bring some! hehehehehe
prog2112 said:
I'm a quarter Polish (g-ma was from Poland)...maybe we're related...LOL!

Well Freak Kitchen or no Freak Kitchen, we'll be hanging out at some point. Is Rick coming this year? No more bad stuff is allowed to happen before PP anymore!!

I'm tellin ya, after a couple of beers, you may even look through the safety glass and change your mind....I still think I need to bring some! hehehehehe

As was mine, last name was Strzalka...If you & Dustin are at the Granada, we'll definately see you a lot! :) As for the lingering question, I'm ready to up the ante with a tube of epoxy, AND a quart of lemon juice! :lol:

oh yeah..... :worship: FREAK KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship:
