Thoughts on the new "metal" revival with '80's bands


Jul 15, 2002
In between
o_OWhy is it on al ot of these metal-news sites, I keep reading about how these groups from the 80's hair band era are going out on tour again and releasing new material? They obviously didn't last the first time around, what makes them think they can last this time? This "revival" sorts really belongs to Anthrax, M.O.D., Superjoint.....not Poison, Skid-mark Row, etc. What do you all think?
Yeah, Violent Revolution kicks some makor ass. As for the glam shit- I don't really care, as long as the great old-school bands reunite (Death Angel, Exodus, Nuclear Assault, Agent Steel, Heathen, Vio-lence- though they disbanded, Dark Angel- hopefully)
dutchy said:
grind is heavy as hell, remember they toured with Pantera!!

Yes they sure as hell did! I saw them here in AZ at the Mesa Ampitheater ( I think, I was heavily buzzed when I got there ) back when Grind was relased! Halford came up and sang with Bas on a Priest tune..........crowd naturally went BALLISTIC and that same tune was also released on Skid Row's B-Side Ourselves...yes I was a Skid Row fan. I dig their first 2, after that even before Bas left (3rd album maybe? Subhuman Race or something like that), it just wasn't the same.
Glam has its place, and I'd rather see a glam revival than a fucking grunge or mid-90s alternative revival. That shit sucked ass. And given a choice between being force-fed Warrant or Smashing Pumpkins, I'd take the Warrant...
Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose... or could we create some laws in the UN forbidding shitty bands to reunite? Oh yeah... soon I´m writing my 100th post... do I get something? A T-shirt? A poster? The entire iraqi nuclear program?
Glam metal pretty much sucks.
I don't miss Warrant, Slaughter, White Lion, and the other glam bands.
I never classified Skid Row as glam band. I think they got lumped into that description because of looks and the time they came out.

I think a lot of these bands are touring again because they've never made the mega successful album, that pays royalties out the ass. Therefore, they need the cash. Playing rock and roll is probably more fun than an 8-5 job.
Just my opinion.
Glam is crappy pop shite, they must all have had competions to see who can say baby i wanna be with you, absoulte crap as bad as all the nu metal pop punk tripe getting realsed now :puke:

But the murderdolls are pretty certain that there gonna bring it back, i really don't wanna see bands like faster shittycat and poison getting big again!
I liked Nuclear Assuault......'back in the day'.
I should try them again.

I liked the Led Zep cover they did.....Good Times Bad Times.

Someone should send me an MP3 of that one.
(hint hint)
Glam wasn't really all that bad. There were some really good bands, with some great tunes. You just need to forget that they looked rather stupid. Motley is, was, and always will be awesome, IMO. (tho Vince is a fucking dumbass) And even the lamest of glam was still better than Nirvana.
Subjugator said:
any of you remember nuclear assault? they must be due a comeback soon

They played a gig in London a few months ago.
Apparently they were absolutely abysmal, the singer couldn't remeber the words and left about three songs early so Dan Lilker had to sing.
I keep noticing Skid Row mentioned in here. Well, here's my two cents - Skid Row were a great, great rock band. I saw them live back in the day, and it was just a fun, fun concert. Slave to the Grind and Subhuman Race were cool records. Now, since that time, I've seen Sebastion Bach solo, and it BLEW, and I've seen Skid Row w/ Johnny Solinger, and man, does it suck even worse. I really wish that Bas would just rejoin and maybe they could make another hard rock record, but I doubt it. So much damage has been done to to the Skid Row brand name at this point, I just don't see it happening.
I'mma gonna hafta go with the flow here, the Skids don't belong w/the likes of Poison/Warrant etc. Ialways lumped them in more with the Crue and Ratt(YES RATT - c'mon "lay it down" = good tune) If ya need convincing listen to Skid Row's version of "C'mon and love me". Oh, and IMO, I'd rather be trapped on a deserted isle w/Nirvana tunes than ever hear a %$#@ing Poison song again.

RATT 'N' ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: :headbang:
