Thrash Attack !!! - POD X3 > Impulses


Jan 13, 2009
So I tuned back up to Eb for some Downpicking Mayhem!!!!

Ibanez PGM 301 > POD X3 > TubeDrive >
JCM 900 (Cab off) > Marshall V30 impulse

Listen here!!

Just a test mix for now guys.
Nice! Groovy and quite natural sounding. Tone sits well in the mix and drums sound good. Allthought quite enjoyable thrash! Heard some deathmetal thingy in there. Me likes!
Thanks for all the comments - I do appreciate it guys!!

Yeh the Kick and snare are a bit "Plastic" for want of a better word, all in all I quite like the Mix - The gtr's I feel could come up a dB maybe , but then I AM a Guitarist lol so i would say that.