Thrash band from Israel - full length album (real drums/dual rec/5150/jcm800)


May 29, 2010
hello guys !
this band called Shredhead , a thrash band from the holy land , their age is around 18-19 and they are all damn talented !

I produced , mixed and mastered (at this sample only , their album sent to Arie Aranovich to get mastered) their debut album.
Recordings done at Eli Pikover studio - great dude and awesome studio ! new order/lp/shredhead-mixed-preview.mp3

some info about the album :
the drums are acoustic with 100% trigger kick and 50 % snare trigger. toms are acoustic. just an awesome drum player .

for the bass they used musicman

guitars :
the guitar was dean signature with emg i think.
they recorded guitars with 2 amps and 2 cabs at the same time :
1 - dual rec w/ rivera cab
2 - marshall jcm800 kerry king signature w/ rivera cabs


they also did reamps with 5150

btw check out their facebook page - they posting more and more teasers of the album

I think its my best work yet , hope you will like it :)
It sounds absolutely great!! Diggin´the rythm guitars and the drums...actually I like all elements. I can´t give detailed mixing feedback, cause no monitor set up available currently, but sounds fucking cool. Congratz!