Thrash Metal Dead...


Thrash Metal is on it's death bed. I have no idea, why no one stood up & carried the torch. It wasn't until Exodus' & Death Angel's new discs that I have heard a thrash record... Since... It's been a while. I think it was probably either Megadeth or Slayer. It certainly wasn't :puke: Anthrax or Testament:ill: .
Thrash metal only looks dead because all the modern popular "thrash" bands are either sped-up melodic death or metalcore bullshit. There's a shitload of good underground REAL thrash bands. Check out Torture Squad, Imagika, Dekapitator Osmium, Cyst, Hypnosia, Toxic Holocaust, Ballistic, etc...go to this site for bands.

As for the last thrash album before Tempo of the Damneed (the new Death Angel wasn't really thrash), how about Destruction's Metal Discharge? Or even better, The AntiChrist? Sodom's M-16 fucking ruled too, and the new Kreator sounds a lot better than Violent Revolution.
Pyrus said:
Thrash metal only looks dead because all the modern popular "thrash" bands are either sped-up melodic death or metalcore bullshit. There's a shitload of good underground REAL thrash bands. Check out Torture Squad, Imagika, Dekapitator Osmium, Cyst, Hypnosia, Toxic Holocaust, Ballistic, etc...go to this site for bands.

As for the last thrash album before Tempo of the Damneed (the new Death Angel wasn't really thrash), how about Destruction's Metal Discharge? Or even better, The AntiChrist? Sodom's M-16 fucking ruled too, and the new Kreator sounds a lot better than Violent Revolution.
I will take your word for it & check out the site. I did forget the Discharge record, shame on me I own that! I might have to look into Sodom's M-16, I haven't heard that one.
I don't think it is on it's deathbed.. it was in the 90's but now its making a comeback and when magazines like Metal Maniacs devote more articles to it you will see more excellent bands come out with great albums... its just a matter of time.. Exodus and Death Angel's new albums are a good start.. now others have to emerge as well...
If anything, thrash still has loads of vitality, because innovation is not the most important thing. It's rockin'.
sixxswine said:
Thrash Metal is on it's death bed. I have no idea, why no one stood up & carried the torch. It wasn't until Exodus' & Death Angel's new discs that I have heard a thrash record... Since... It's been a while. I think it was probably either Megadeth or Slayer. It certainly wasn't :puke: Anthrax or Testament:ill: .
I totally disagree. I know my friend Pyrus will not agree with me, but I think Thrash is doing just fine in its current underground state. As a native Bay Area style thrash baby I've grown up with a strong taste and good ear for solid thrash. We'll always have the classics: Exodus, Kreator, Death Angel, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Testament, Sodom, etc. But how many times can a band or a whole genre, for that matter, realistically take another effective stab at making a great late 80's/early 90's era thrash album without sounding dated? Rather, thrash is alive and well and...

  • has been pumped full of performance enhancing drugs...a.k.a. 21st century quality sound production
  • has found a well deserving and loving home, albeit temporary IMHO, on the frosty plains of Scandinavia
  • has incorporated elements of other lesser genres while still distinctly retaining the "thrash" label
I remember using the term "deathrash" in '93 when my buddy asked me what I thought the next new, big brand of American music would be called. Although I probably wasn't the first to coin the phrase it stuck in our heads. At the time everything was about Grunge, although neither of us were big fans. I was mostly wrong with my prediction: Ska hit it big in America shortly after that. However thrash metal and some elements of death metal came together en mass across the Atlantic like PB & J shortly after that. I've always considered this brand of thrash every bit as deserving of recognition and praise as the earlier Bay Area pioneers. Some of my favorite bands that do this sound, in no particular order, are...

Darkane, The Haunted, Hatesphere, Dew-Scented, No Return, Susperia, Corporation 187, Defleshed, Carnal Forge, Reclusion, Quo Vadis, Supuration, Necrodeath, Invocator...

Above all else I'm a Testament fan, but I'm always looking for new thrash!
Yeah, Necrodeath are awesome. They've been around for a very long time, and their sound definitely hasn't changed for the worse. Their latest release is no worse than their earlier releases. They are easily one of my favorite thrash bands.
Actually their newest album (Necrodeath) is a bit on the sucky side. Their previous four are superb, however. However, Steiner, most of the bands you mentioned I would hardly label Death or Thrash, let alone both.
Decadent said:
Destroyer 666 anyone? I think the term "carrying on the torch" is pretty relevant here.
Destroyer666 definitely are not a thrash band in the traditional sense. They play blackened thrash, and are less thrash than bands such as Necrodeath and Final Breath. They are more black metal than thrash IMO (essentially thrashy black metal), but I love their sound. If you like them, check out Impending Doom, Zarathustra, Deaths Head, Spear Of Longinus...... I wish there were more bands playing this style.
Pyrus said:
Thrash metal only looks dead because all the modern popular "thrash" bands are either sped-up melodic death or metalcore bullshit. There's a shitload of good underground REAL thrash bands. Check out Torture Squad, Imagika, Dekapitator Osmium, Cyst, Hypnosia, Toxic Holocaust, Ballistic, etc...go to this site for bands.

As for the last thrash album before Tempo of the Damneed (the new Death Angel wasn't really thrash), how about Destruction's Metal Discharge? Or even better, The AntiChrist? Sodom's M-16 fucking ruled too, and the new Kreator sounds a lot better than Violent Revolution.

You got it. You said everything exactly the way I'd say it. :D
Dodens Grav said:
Steiner, most of the bands you mentioned I would hardly label Death or Thrash, let alone both.
The bands I listed are, for the most part, thrash outfits that incorporate musical elements more commonly associated with death metal in one form or another...whether it be the vocals or the melodies. I'm not asking you to classify all of the bands I listed, but I'm really curious to see how you would label a few of them...metalcore, black, progressive, melodic death, death, etc?
I disagree that Spear of Longinus play a similar style to D666... but I still enjoy them. I'll check out the other bands you listed as well.

D666 may not be thrash in any traditional sense, but I mentioned them because they seem to be bringing thrash in a positive new direction, as opposed to bands like The Haunted.
Steiner said:
The bands I listed are, for the most part, thrash outfits that incorporate musical elements more commonly associated with death metal in one form or another...whether it be the vocals or the melodies. I'm not asking you to classify all of the bands I listed, but I'm really curious to see how you would label a few of them...metalcore, black, progressive, melodic death, death, etc?

I'd label the Haunted as AIDS-core.

EDIT: Dude above me, you're definitely right about Destryoer 666. They represent all that is Metal.
Steiner said:
The bands I listed are, for the most part, thrash outfits that incorporate musical elements more commonly associated with death metal in one form or another...whether it be the vocals or the melodies. I'm not asking you to classify all of the bands I listed, but I'm really curious to see how you would label a few of them...metalcore, black, progressive, melodic death, death, etc?
"all the modern popular "thrash" bands are either sped-up melodic death or metalcore bullshit"
You guys crack me up! LOL. I guy named "Jean-Pierre" called The Haunted Aids-core! :worship:

Dodens Grav said:
"all the modern popular "thrash" bands are either sped-up melodic death or metalcore bullshit"
In your own words. That particular original thought has already been had by another poster.
Steiner said:
You guys crack me up! LOL. I guy named "Jean-Pierre" called The Haunted Aids-core! :worship:

In your own words. That particular original thought has already been had by another poster.