thread was too mean so i edited it down.


Nov 9, 2001

NICODEMUS (US) The Supernatural Omnibus (Dark Symphonies) - CD...$10.00

Cloaked in darkness and shrouded in mystery,
Nicodemus unveil their all encompassing musical experience
entitled "The Supernatural Omnibus." Black, gothic, and progressive metal collide with each other to create an original expression
of extreme metal so addictive and intensethat it literally sweeps the listener into the supernatural realm.

My biggest issue in this blurb is this last line here. I mean, you can't advertise that something LITERALLY does something when it LITERALLY does not. At all.
If any music actually was capable of transporting you into the aether, that would be really fucking impressive to say the least.

Nicodemus have skillfully crafted ten tracks replete with haunting melodies, stark, sinister atmospheres, and the diverse vocal performances of Christopher Morris and Tamar Yvonne resulting in an extremely heavy and very dark metal record. “The Supernatural Omnibus" also features for the first time on cd the stunning artwork of renowned British photographer, David Penprase. Step inside "The Supernatural Omnibus" and become entangled in your own nightmares.
toby, on the David Cross album "shut up you fucking baby", he has a whole bit about this....


"oh, wow! uh...what did you do, then?"

"oh, i laughed, dude!"

"no, i mean...about your pants?"


"your pants?"

", don't get it."

i think he's right-on's really stupid to literallyize (and basically ruin the word "literally").
well i was thinking about how Nicodemus may read this board, and maybe they are nice people, and maybe they like our band a lot. My issue is more with Dark Symphonies' decisions concerning Nicodemus.
this was written by my idol Jim Norton.

I was sitting in my apartment, looking at my naked body in a mirror and contemplating suicide. My manager called and informed me that I need to update my bio. I have always detested bios written in the 'third person.' Every performer either writes or approves his or her bio. Third person makes it seem like a bunch of people got together to discuss the performer's wonderfullness and just had to write it down for the world to see. I also loathe the wording in a lot of bios. I did not "burst on to the scene", nor do I leave crowds "rolling in the aisles" "on the edge of their seats" or "gasping for air". Some nights I kill, other nights the crowd wants to gut me with a fishing knife. I am a relatively amusing in a child molesting/stomach cancer kind of way. Being pegged as an 'angry comic' truly makes me want to vomit. To me the only labels in comedy that matter are 'funny', 'original' and 'hack'. By original I don't mean so weird that Andy Kaufman wouldn't get it and by hack I mean the next comic who writes a girl fart joke should have his writing hand smashed with a mallet.There is no subject I won't make fun of (with the exception, of course, of girl farts). This has nothing to do with integrity, it's because smelling them gives me an erection.