Three rough songs by my band


Dec 30, 2006

This isn't really metal, more like some kind of hard rock that I have difficulty placing a genre on. The recording process was pretty rough: We used a SM-57 on vocals with pantyhose as a popscreen in an untreated room, and only had about 4 hours to do all the vocals. Guitars were done similarly. Drums were done in a bedroom with very very limited time, and I didn't have a proper kick mic at the time, so I used a SM-58 on the resonant head inside the hole, and a E609 on the beater, no tom mics. I actually ended up replacing the snare sound -- I love the snare we used in person, but I wasn't able to record it so well. I used the Pearl_FF samples that were posted here.

Also, no bass, cause our bassist just recently joined. Basically what I'm saying is, I know this mix will never be perfect, because we didn't get fantastic recordings going in. I'm more curious to see if anybody has any little suggestions of things that could be improved in my mix.