Threshold/ProgPower USA update


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I just spoke with Rich and we have established a deadline of August 5th to determine if Threshold will perform at the festival this year. If news comes sooner, I will of course let you know.
I wish them the best of luck in sorting things out and hope to see them.

If they can't do it, I'm sure Glenn will get a great replacement.
Hopefully this gets resolved. The best scenario right now looks to be D. Wilson being the fill in. It is too bad for the people who wanted to see Mac sing for them at this festival and the shows before it.
Glenn, obviously you don't want to involve yourself in band politics, but I was curious as to if you know if the band is aware that we would not mind Damian singing at all? Possibly have even suggested it to them maybe? I know that's almost like inviting yourself to someones house for dinner or something along that lines, but I am still curious.
Glenn, obviously you don't want to involve yourself in band politics, but I was curious as to if you know if the band is aware that we would not mind Damian singing at all? Possibly have even suggested it to them maybe? I know that's almost like inviting yourself to someones house for dinner or something along that lines, but I am still curious.

Rich reads this forum so he knows the scoop.
Thanks for the update! I am looking forward to seeing Threshold again, and I hope you don't get any last minute headaches. Best wishes out to the Threshold camp, it's a crappy situation to be in...
Wow. Thanks for the update. I'd be up for seeing Threshold with any vocalist or even no vocalist at all. I hope they can find someone if Damian can't do it. Do any of the other PP bands' vocalists have a rapport with Threshold? Good enough rapport where they could learn and do the set while they are here?

I know that might not be something either the band nor you would want, and if that is the case I understand the business/band direction/etc reasoning.

But being a selfish fan, just seeing the band with any "vocalist of the hour" would work for me. The band and their music is too good to miss.

Basically I'm of the camp where I'd like to see Threshold at all costs, regardless of how they need to change the set list to fit the chosen vocalist's abilities/time to learn.

I might have to start a poll on this one. I wonder if this forum allows polls...
I've really been looking forward to seeing Threshold live so I really hope this gets resolved somehow.

I second that ... I know I'll have a great time at ProgPower, regardless, but I was really looking forward to seeing Threshold, so I hope they can work something out that will make everyone as happy as possible considering the circumstances.

And thanks to Glenn for the update. Glenn - I'm hoping this situation will work itself out, but I appreciate that you always keep in great communication with the PP fans so that we know what's going on with the show and the bands involved, even when it is something that might not make everyone all that happy to hear. :worship:
That seems fair. I'll see Threshold with whatever singer, they deem appropriate, since they've done well with that so far, just so long as we get to see Threshold at PPVIII. But IMHO, I'd prefer it to be Damien Wilson, if possible.
I posted this in the other thread but since we have 3+ threads on the subject might as well post it in the newest one =) . This was posted in the Threshold news section:

Mac confirms his departure from the band as Damian Wilson stands in

Mac has confirmed that he's left Threshold. In a statement he told fans that he knew the timing was bad but thanked them for all their support. He also wished the band all the best and expressed his gratitude to the band's original singer Damian Wilson for standing in for him at last weekend's festivals.

Threshold have confirmed that Damian will perform with them at the Subtacto Festival in Norway on 4 August. Talks are also in progress to see if he can perform at all of Threshold's remaining 2007 shows.

Richard West (keyboards) also posted this in the Threshold forum:

"Our set list for Metal Camp and Earthshaker was this:

1. Mission Profile
2. Hollow (+ One Degree Down end solo)
3. Sanity's End
4. Slipstream
5. Pressure (Metal Camp only)
6. Fragmentation
7. This Is Your Life

The band have rehearsed over 2 hours of material for the tour (including Pilot In The Sky Of Dreams), but because Damian only stepped in at the last minute we tried to choose a set that would be quick for him to learn. Songs like Pilot and One Degree Down just take a bit longer to learn."
I just spoke with Rich and we have established a deadline of August 5th to determine if Threshold will perform at the festival this year. If news comes sooner, I will of course let you know.

Hey Glenn! If for some reason Threshold is unable to play the festival please try and get Rob Rock, Axel Rudi Pell, Silent Force or Masterplan. Thanks!
I really hope that they don't have to cancel their appearence at ProgPower this year. I do have to say that is was VERY COOL of Damian Wilson to save the day for the start of their tour!!!

Hope he agrees to do the rest of the tour with Threshold...
If Threshold bails, and I think it would be the height of unprofessional conduct if they do, it is not like Glenn has much of a choice to bring a quality #4 from Europe. The only option I see is that if Threshold bails, Glenn has no other option but to do one of two things:

1) Make the All-Star Jam as the Saturday headliner, moving After Forever to the 4th slot (Floor will just LOVE that....NOT!) and moving Communic back to its original period.


2) Move everyone up one, and brinigng in an act like Suspyre, Zandelle or another American based act, and make them the #1.

I do not see any other option that Glenn has if Threshold bails.

Ray C.
The All-Star Jam is already the saturday headliner. really.

Glenn will have lots of options. Bands like Andromeda could easily fill the spot (given availability) as well as many like Kiuas even... or well you know... Pyramaze and shit.