Throw yourself a pity party!!!


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Well, I decided I wanted to have a party - so, I'm going to have a pity party.

Come one, come all!!!!

Your pity party can be for something insignificant, or, throw yourself the grandioso pity party of all parties. Spill your guts, or just throw the party.

Me - I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but I figured I would invite the year 2001 to my party. It's been that kind of year.:cry:
I'm not much for those things... I'd rather celebrate when I have something worth the time and effort of putting together (and ulitmately, cleaning up) a party... I'm just lazy like that.
well, since you asked.

1.My life is insanely boring
2.The guy I like either doesn't want a girlfriend or I'm to fat for him (although he does act like he likes me) fingers are fat best friend is pissed at me for no apparent reason cat hates me
6.My throat hurts
7.I'm tired
8.I flunked English may be pathetic, but #2 is the one that bothers me the most. And I believe that #1 is caused by #2. Because if I had a boyfriend my life wouldn't be so boring would it?
Well, lets see, what can I gripe about?:

1) I get more and more misanthropic everyday
2)the people who attend SDSU with me only reinforce that mindset.
3)The girl I thought I was falling in love with told me she can't date me because I don't believe in god
4)I have to drive on the 5 Freeway tomorrow at rush hour
5)I can't find one of my Testament cd's...
6) I'm broke as a joke
7)No one thinks my jokes are funny
8)They aren't
9)one of my roomates is a psychological contradiction-a god complex, an inferiority complex, AND a Napolean complex...SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! How is that possible? And he's an asshole....
10)I'm feeling like a can't write a decent riff (call it music writers block) for the last month...
Originally posted by Sadistik

10)I'm feeling like a can't write a decent riff (call it music writers block) for the last month...

Yep I've been in the writers block for seems like 6 month or so it really suck. But I think I'm finally comming out of it, if only I could get some time to play my guitar
1) I have a Chemistry final coming up in a week that I'm not too sure I'm prepared for..
2) I suffer from unrequited love...
3)I'm freaking out because I have to get tons of things taken care of at work before I leave for vacation...
4) I'm worried because I won't have any money when I get home so I don't know how I'm going to pay for my next semester...

that's all...
1. Havent had a date in 8 years...
2. My guitar is a broke piece of shit and I cant afford $1200!
3. The University of Florida lost its national title shot when they lost to TENNESSEE, you BASTARDS!
4. RV really sucks now and instead of 80 channels of shit to watch I have 280.
5. I wish ...nah it wouldnt come true...
1. I have no life.
2. I probably failed a physics test today.
3. I am currently failing physics.
4. I hate my school and all the work that I have to do.
5. I hate 99% of the people in my school.
6. I feel disconnected from the world as if no one knows me.
7. I am unsure about whether to stay in my current 'relationship', which has been strictly online so far since I haven't been in presence of person since we called it official.
8. I haven't heard anything yet from the college I applied to.
9. I have a huge senior exit project that I need to work complete soon.
10. I don't have my license.
11. I don't have a car.
12. The combination of #10 and #11 make #1 worse.
13. I have no money.
14. I am hungry.
15. I have to actually cook for myself most of the time now since my older brother(who I live with) works at night.
16. I still have a semester to go before I graduate.
17. I haven't been able to sleep lately, which causes me to be worthless in class.
18. My hair looks pretty bad now since I have decided to grow it out.
19. I will have to tell my dad that I am growing out my hair and will have to witness the grimace on his face.
20. No one at my school takes the time to get to know me and realize that I am the coolest person in the world even though I have no life.
21. I have this many pathetic reasons that make my pity party one of the biggest parties of the year, but I wouldn't know about any parties since I have no life and am never invited to parties.