thyrfing feature

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
written for . ive written a few other features which you can read on the site. here is my latest

Thyrfing (, kings of Viking metal. Hailing from Sweden they are considered one of the bigger names of Viking metal among bands like Enslaved, Mythotin, and Falkenbach. Forming in 1995, they have mixed their eclectic influences of European metal, symphonic, and Norse folk to form a unique style of metal. Further proof that metal is one of the only genres that can mix ANYTHING and still be metal. And Thyrfing does this flawlessly. Thyrfing consists of:

Thomas Väänänen- vocals

Patrik Lindgren- guitar

Henrik Svegsjö- guitar

Kimmy Sjölund- bass

Peter Löf- synthesizer

Joakim Kristensson- drums

Since their beginning they have put out 4 full length CD’s and 4 other recordings including 2 demos, one of which was later reissued, and a 7 inch EP. Their latest CD entitled Vansinnesvisor released in ‘02, and my personal favorite Urkraft released on ’00. Since their entry into the scene they have shown a solid progression in their sound which really shows itself on their latest work Vansinnesvisor which I feel has a darker and crunchier sound to it. A heavier tone if you will. Amongst the mood change I also felt a bit of a death metal influence which really begins to show itself in the song Draugs Harg with a fast paced DM style riff with nice blast beats which I feel is a nice thing to include, just to mix things up a bit. Generally Thyrfing holds a nice mid paced groove with beautiful keyboard melodies over top the metal riffs. Together they form a great sense of melody and harmony. Amidst my collection of Thyrfing CD’s my favorite has to be Urkraft. It has a stellar mix of fast and slow paced songs with a great balance of metal and folk sounds. My favorite song, being the fastest on the album, The Slumber of Yesteryears. It has a fantastic melody set at just the right pace to really get into it and bang your head! The song features great harmonies between keyboard and guitars. When I think of Viking metal, I think this song. Simply brilliant composition.

Lastly, there are obvious references to their heritage. Mixing native lore and their native language. The idea of using their native tongue is something lost in most music, and that is rather sad. I have always encouraged the thought of using ones native language; it gives a great sense of individuality and personality to the music. This is something I think should be done by more and more musicians. There are so many other languages outside of English, and if it’s not what you speak in everyday life, why write songs in it? For this I give the band much respect.

Thyrfing is a fantastic band with immense talent. They have had a glorious past and I hope to hear even better music in the future. Everyone reading this should keep their eyes out and their ears open for this band. They are definitely not a band to miss!!! \m/
