Tiberius new EP - FFO Protest The Hero/Corelia/BTBAM - Axe2 Reamp - Feedback?


Apr 17, 2009
I mixed my friends band Tiberius. The EP is a free download and they have merch up on bandcamp too.

Mix info:
Used Axe-Fx 2 on firmware 4 for all the guitars. Basically fed my instrument out into the back of my interface. No noise/no distortion/nothing. Worked perfectly and saved me any hassle using the USB side or a load box.

Anyway, enjoy it and all feedback is welcome.
Good song but the drums seems to be buried in the mix and the snare is the only thing i hear because of it. Feels like all is a little unbalance. Some few tweaks and it will sound way better. the guitar, bass and Vocals sounds good is just the drums.