

I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia

Not to sound like some right-wing goofball who thinks hippies should be shot on sight, but what's with all of these protesters suddenly taking an interest in China's occupation of Tibet? Yeah, I know it's because of the military's crackdown or something, but they invaded, like, 50 years ago, so why are people finally starting to care?

Obviously the Olympics is a nice chance to rock the boat a bit, but where have all the marches been before this? Where have all the protesters been when Chinese heads of state have visited Australia and other places? Is this just the cause of the year, like climate change was last year?

I know some passionate people have been making themselves heard all the time, and that's cool, but it really annoys me when random people decide, "OMG, China's bad, man! They invaded Tibet!!!1" and join in the fun simply because it's been in the news a bit more than usual and they want to look like they have a cause.

Anyway, just thought I'd offer this poorly-worded post.
There are the select few thaty have been banging on about this for years, but yes it's a long time since the voices have been so loud, I think it is jsut because of the Olympics that so many hangers on are getting in on it
Also, people forget that when the media lose interest in an issue (ie. probably because it has been reported to death and people are no longer really interested either) it doesn't mean that a problem may have gone away.

I think as a first step the Chinese government have to be more open to what Tibet want. Tibet has been able to share in the massive growth that China has experienced, and one may fairly ask whether this would have occured if separation had occured already. However, I think part of the problem is who has actually benefitted from this - has it been everyone, or only specific groups of the population like immigrant Han businessmen? In theory, growth could be a predicate for greater distribution of wealth and resources, but clearly this hasn't been the case.
It was pretty fucking low smashing a teenage girl carrying the torch, whatever the reason.

Chinese Govt have displaced millions of their own people for hydros (legitimately displaced, IMO, but they've given them squat). They've displaced hundreds of thousands for the Olympics, moving them to places where the housing won't be built for years. Melamine in the dog food, over sulfated glucosamine killing heart disease patients, lead paint in toys, ethylene glycol in toothpast, execution busses.

I'd be happy if the world boycotted their Olympics.

But I'd be happy if the world boycotted all of the Olympics really.
fuck me....

Atlanta had the olympics in 1996 and the world stood by and watched them purposely remove there homeless from the confinds of the city.......and the world did nothing

then sydney had the olympics, and the world stood by and looked at the state of the aboriginal living conditions in central australia and there was no boycott

Athens had the olympics 4 years after that simply to recognise 100 years of the modern olympics. The IOC members that voted for athens were doing so out of sentiment.

Name the city that put in a bid for the olympics during all these previous bids...beijing

France is the country calling for the boycott of the games....but lets think back to the last major event they tried to host, the fifa world cup in 1998. Didn't they try to forceably remove every black imigrant from the country, but white imigrants were allowed to stay?

draw your own conclusion people
They missed a few ??


BTW, 'thought I'd better add.

Hello again

Hello, I'm here again
and who am I this time?
I've got ideas, ways to be
I'm coming back seriously

Through gold and black, to read and warm
I'm pushing flow
I'm blind in light, hello again
Here I am for you
4. Patrick Vierra
8. Marcel Desailly
12. Thierry Henry
15. Lilian Thuram
20. David Trézéguet

It doesnt matter because they won the world cup. It doesnt matter if you are a manority, so long as you serve the majority
Sad thing is, those with a genuine, personal reason to protest are usual lost amongst the student types for whom this will just be another day on their protest calendar, and will move onto the next 'cause' soon enough.

Still - screw the Chinese government. That they got the Olympics in the first place is an embarrassment.
another thing is China has a glowing human rights record .

oh, yeah.

And Australia is so fucking wonderful.

how about America's human rights record?
India, Russia, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Saudi Arabi, Pakistan, Turkey, Spain or the United Kingdom?

How about we bring anywhere from the Balkans in to it?
Because they are so shiny in the way they treat each.

We shit on the Chinese for doing nasty stuff (and yes, their government does do very nasty stuff) but compared with everywhere else in the World, it's all pretty on the level.

Human Rights is a joke and a lie.
We do to others what we can get away with and then point our fingers at others when we get them pointed at us.

People becry the better, loving and gentler nature of humanity when, in truth, there really is no such thing.
We use reason and justification to do the worst things possible to our fellow human beings. This is the way it has been since time past and will probably continue until we either invent or discover another race to heap our petty hatreds and anger upon.

And, Chris, this is nothing against you, man.
Just an open rant against everyone I've had to listen to over the past week saying how bad China is (the week before that how bad the USA treated Iraq, before that how bad Australia treats Aboriginals and immigrants and so on) whilst denying the most fundamental tenants of Human History -that we are always cruel and will do vile things to our fellow creatures.

I do not approve nor justify what the Chinese Government (as opposed to the people as a whole, who are exceptionally different in attitudes) is doing in Tibet or to their people in their own nation but if you have a wide view of Chinese history and attitudes, you would see this as a pattern. Same with so many other nations and peoples on Earth.

and the day some ignorant hippy/socialist/protest-happy-fucktard can actually say to me that humans are fucked up and hypocritical creatures and understand from the atom of it why is the day I will shave my head and take up (Buddhist) priestly robes and go into the World to help chip away at the ignorance that abounds.

as for the Olympic Games themselves, I say get rid of the entire thing.
Just a fucking waste of time really.
We get way too worked up over it -especially here in Australia.
And for what?
A few bits of shiny metal?
It's not like it really does anything to change the World at all.

these rant is brought to you by physical pain, sugar, caffeine and lack of sleep and is surprisingly not aimed at any one here.
Despite not agreeing with what most of you have said, you haven't really said anything wrong (except for Koichi in his broad statement of a people). I actually do agree with what has been said as a whole -especially Zombius, Stonewall and Shannow.
Sad thing is, those with a genuine, personal reason to protest are usual lost amongst the student types for whom this will just be another day on their protest calendar, and will move onto the next 'cause' soon enough.

All too true, Mark.

Australia is filled with such political weekend warriors who jump on the big band wagon for an excuse to rail against something -scream & shout and wave their banners about- and then move onto the next big thing to stand against.

It's usually these types who are the first to turn to violence and destruction (whilst blaming the police or other authorities for being the cause of it) out of some juvenile way to show indignation and rage at something whilst justify their want to cause great trouble.

I swear if I see any cunt breaking stuff or into shops (especially shops that I like or know the people who owns them) I'm going to slit throats and break necks.
Sick of it!

if you're going to protest, you don't have to turn over cars and set fires to them.
Or tackle and maim some young girl for simply caring a fucking candle about the place.
But such is human nature I guess.
It's funny how issues within our own country rarely ignite such feeling. 'Sorry Day' anyone? I heard more racist bile that day than acknowledgements of it as a positive step.