Tickets now on sale...

Through ticketbastard and they were $110....anyone still bitching about the price of the gold badges can Email me and I'd gladly give them my ticket plus the difference for the gold badge:)
Well,it seems like a good start....Get your rooms now guys...I booked mine last October...just checked today and every cheap place is booked solid.Residence Inn is a cool place,but I got mine for $89 and this morning they were $149.Thats fuckered up eh?
Ticketmaster should be taken down for being a monopoly... Stupid "Convenience" charges...

$9 for a convenience charge, and then another $3.55 for order processing (For me at least)...Damn I hate ticketmaster.

But I got my ticket. I'm going solo this year (First time going solo *scared*, but this will be my third ProgPower)

Can't wait!

Now I must finish getting acquainted with these bands.

$107.55 down...................ON MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:
what is this about ticketmaster?? Their charges seem unbelievable to me?? Are they the only ticket sellers? geeeezes.........that is just wrong!!

Other than that, I cannot contribute to a new 5 days-record, sorry Glenn ;) as much as I would love to; but I will have to make a short termed decision for private reasons.
I've bought two tix at a Publix grocery store for $208. This was one day when I was lucky to have maxed out credit cards. The service charge was $4.25 per ticket per day.
This is my first post here. I read everyone's posts every couple of days and look forward to seeing everyone in September and participating in pre-show discussions.
Arghh!! I won't be able to make it this year. I can't believe I'll miss Savatage, Into Eternity,Edguy and Sun Caged at the preparty. I hope you all have a good time!!
got my ticket. I am wondering as this has happened before, tickets going on sale on the 1st of the month (2 years ago on July 1st I recall for ProgPower 3.0), do they go on sale on the 1st of the month for a specific reason? I'm mainly wondering b/c yes people do get paid often on the 1st, but rent is also due on the 1st. Just wondering....

I also am curious if regular tickets are $95 (which adds up to $107 after fees if 1 doesn't want to wait and look for people selling as they often do for atleast minus the extra fees likely), how much do Gold Badges run? (I know it's probably on the the site, but I was wondering anyway just so everyone knows and can see the comparison here).

that being said, I am excited and glad I am paying nothing for my airfare as on my spring break trip to Phoenix in March I was bumped and received a free voucher..hehe (probably 1 of the biggest reason I can jusify the $107 for my ticket actually with my kind of tax bracket and financial status).

No specific reasons that tickets go on sale at the first of the month. It just makes it nice and neat.

Gold badges are $125 and are paid for a few months earlier. I have no control over the Ticketbastard charges.

Glenn H.