Time you use in editing


Anssi Tenhunen
Just out of curiocity, how much time do you estimate you use per end-product minute for (including time editing, stretching and comping):

- guitar editing (per track)
- multitrack drum editing
- vocal tuning (per track)
- sample replacement
- reamping (including setup and testing)
i edit almost everything right after it goes into the song

so recording guitar for a song can take about 6 hours, i'd say its probably about 50/50... so half the time is used to edit it...
this includes everything from cutting, comping, cross fading, auto tuning monophonic parts, etc.
Good to know, that I'm not the only one that needs so much time! :D

But I love listening to the edited song in the end! So thats my reward when I have finished: listening to my work! :D
for me: (depending on the length of the song & what tools i have at my disposal).

vocals - 4hr

guitars - 5-6hr

drums - about 1 day

bass - 20 min ... :lol: (j/k, about 2hrs depending on the drum articulations).

anything else - about 1 day to make sure they are edits i can live with.

but this changes because i'm not always in the same studio with every band... sometimes most editing can be done on my macbook air.