Timelessness EP for Free download (Djent - Death Progressive). Critcs are welcome.

First off, if your a start-up band, you probably shouldn't have your first song start off with a mellow keys intro, as people might skip the demo of that song, and thus, your whole EP. You should start off with a song that has all cylinders firing in the first 20 seconds or so, then do this "lullaby" song in the middle of the tracks sequence.
Also, you've mix everything very small - it sounded like the band was play in-between the speakers. This is a one-man-band project that sounds like.
Keep working on it, Tidioshet!
First off, if your a start-up band, you probably shouldn't have your first song start off with a mellow keys intro, as people might skip the demo of that song, and thus, your whole EP. You should start off with a song that has all cylinders firing in the first 20 seconds or so, then do this "lullaby" song in the middle of the tracks sequence.
Also, you've mix everything very small - it sounded like the band was play in-between the speakers. This is a one-man-band project that sounds like.
Keep working on it, Tidioshet!

You probably have much reason. Thank you very much for the tips, MondoLikeMetal
i think "left" and "right" are far enough "left" and "right".
sounds too much fake for me, strictly gated guitars and midi drums. music´s not bad though :)

keep it up!