Tips for Defeating writer's block

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
I need some.

Trying to write the documentation for this project and I'm just not getting any linguistic inspiration to write this out. Needs to be formal and informative while making sure the facts are obvious. i'm getting nothing. I've got it all written out in point form and am coming up blank.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I need some.

Trying to write the documentation for this project and I'm just not getting any linguistic inspiration to write this out. Needs to be formal and informative while making sure the facts are obvious. i'm getting nothing. I've got it all written out in point form and am coming up blank.

Do a draft that's sarcastic and completely condescending and insulting to whatever it is you're trying to document, while at the same time making the reader feel like a dummy for needing any documentation in the first place. Amuse yourself with the project first.

Then submit this version when no motivation for doing the "real thing" ever arrives.

And end with: "...and they all lived happily ever after, especially the CCIE administrator, who was befriended by the vikings and taught how to pillage, burn and rape.
The End."
haha, i finally got it on a roll while wiating outside Olive Garden for 45 minutes because my grandfather wanted to take me out to dinner to celebrate my completion of college shit. So me and my aunt/cousins all sat outside for an hour, he showed up 20 mins before we got a table. Got there at 6. Got food at 8:30. weeeeeee.

Oh well, got the documentation done.