tips on improving my growl

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
so i am working to improve my low DM style growl. my main problem consistancy. i tend to get a little airy. what i want todo is thicken it up and make it bolder like eric rutan or some one else of that talent. so what can you reccomend i do? things that have seemed to help are cough drops and tea/chia tea. but undoubtably there is also technique reccomendations. it seems like it just doesnt want to come out sometimes. it takes a lil bit of airy time before it comes out.

here is a recording of me havin this same problem: (this isnt my band, but a band i was apart of in this summer program called stairway to stardom in sacramento california)
I always seem to need a bit of adrenaline before i start screaming (i know it's different from growling but they are similar in some ways, of course). I hit myself in the face a few times o_O, seriously! it makes me scream a the roof off!
Smoke lots of weed... I don't do it myself but I've noticed that it seems to work wonders on a person's voice when it comes to death metal growls.
weed is out. hehehe, not my thang. plus i would imagine the smoke would dry out my throat and therefor making things worse
Do what Dead of Mayhem did. He put a dead crow in a sac and let it decompose in the ground. Before performing he inhaled the rotten scent of the crow. That would de the trick...

Uhh... But he did commit suicide, lol.
i thought it was a dead rat. hehehe

dem mayhem guys are fucked up

i'll try the honey thing, thanks
*points at picture in my sig*

i cant cup the mic, i play bass too. and cupping the mic sucks ass

what would you have me do? rap? HAH! never
Add your own personal style to it.

Take aspects that you like from other vocalists (that you can do), and be creative. I don't know anything about how to sing DM vocal styles, but if you want to be truly original, drinking honey isn't going to help.

Also, use the search, I remember there was a good thread on this subject.
Watch plenty of Sesame Street reruns. Just joking. ^___^ In all seriousness, sing all of the time, but stop when your throat starts to hurt. The vocal chords are no different than say a guitar in the respect that the more you play, the better you get.
The vocal chords are different than a guitar in the fact that if you abuse it and destroy it, you can buy a new guitar. but not a new set of larynx (vocal chords). Practice and strengthen your vocal chords but don't abuse them.

I'm trying to improve my growls too and i have asked some singers too.
The answer is : Practise !!
The more you do it, the better it gets....that's it...

By the way, now im listening to your band in . This isn't growls man...the problem i had, was that my brutal vocals weren't loud.Now they are fucking loud, you must SCREEEEAAAMMMM, LOUD !!!