
Scott B

Jan 4, 2002
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Tiwanaku is the new band formed from former Nocturnus members and Wade Black from Lucian Blaque/Crimson Glory/Seven Witches. I
stopped by their rehersal place last night expecting to hear the first few demos on CD. Instead, I got a live performance. I am amazed. Tiwanaku
is going to knock people on their asses. If you take the best elements from Nocturnus--the complex and varied instrumentation and Emo
Mowrey's earth-shattering vox--and combine that with the energy and stellar range of Wade Black's vocals--well, your imagination will probably
fall short. It's a melding of sounds and styles that I haven't heard anywhere else. Emo's bass lines are positively sick. You want technical? You
want complex? Step right up. Amazing, amazing work, and when you hear the drumming that goes with it, you will die. Emo provides the death
vox, and they are similar to what can be heard on Norturnus' Etheral Tomb: no screechy shit hear. His vocals fucking roar, but you can
understand every word he's singing. Wade is making full use of his incredible vocal range ad dynamics, running the gamut from Halfordesque
melodic, his trademark metal wails, and even deathish vox, all of which complement and contrast perfectly.

The label deal for the debut is still in the works, but once that is done, expect this release out soon. The band is very motivated to get in the studio
and get the album finished and released.