TM video footage from Manning Bar show.23/08/08

Check out a couple of TRANSCENDING MORTALITY songs from the Metal Evilution 5th anniversary show last Saturday. (thanks Watto)
There's 2 originals and a great FATES WARNING cover.:worship:



There HAS to be a reunion show at the very least some day.I can wait years, maybe even a decade, but as long as i know it's coming it will keep me content. I dunno the circumstances behind the MURDERWORLD reunion, but yeh, something like that should be on the cards in the years to come! It doesn't matter if the band members don't want to, they have an obligation to their fans!
We'll give them say 4 years before i put the hard word on them ok.:lol:
Single them out and tell them that all the other members have agreed to a reunion gig and it's just them dragging the chain. Maybe they'll be more co-operative if they think they'll be replaced with a High School Musical cast member if they don't agree to play?